Over night stay girls? Started by: Amylouk

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  • Amylouk 58

    Anyone been an overnight stay? I’m trying to pre book parking so wanted a rough idea of my admission time? Also i can’t decide what to pack! Feel really unprepared. As I’m having vaser to my legs and a BA I’m thinking il be in a lot of pain! Do you get food if your an overnight stay? Xx

    Natalie 13

    Hi I was over nite but didn’t go with MYA didn’t have to book or pay for parking. Got as much water/juice as u like. Got dinner tea breakfast and snacks.xx

    Amylouk 58

    Thanks hun! the parking thing is a right pain! And having to book a B&B for my other half as no point in him going home just to drive back to London the very next day.
    Oh good I don’t need to bring my own snacks then. I wounded what my admission time will be as il be starving if I can’t eat before! Xx

    Natalie 13

    They sed they would feed my partner but my mum came and gave her food.i had a cereal bar at 5.30 am and admission was 12 op was 12.45. But every place mite b different.x

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