Over or under (300-325cc) Started by: Analouise

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    Hi, I have my surgery booked for September with Mr Mashhadi and I was wondering if anyone has pictures or progress pictures of over or unders, I’m currently a 32b but we’re really padded bras, I’m unsure about over or under, I have heard that unders are more natural but unders heal quicker? I have only booked one week off work and work in an office but sometimes might have to lift boxes of printing ink or paper lol! I have seen lots of photos on this forum and they all look great so I’m so confused! Any advice will really help me out! Thank you x

    Chanel 17

    Have you had your surgeon consultation? Unders are meant to be more painful and a longer healing time, and usually only get offered unders if you don’t have enough breast tissue 🙂 I’m having unders because I haven’t got enough breast tissue to have overs, unders also make a bit more of a wider gab with the cleavage as the muscle pulls away the implant creating a gab, but with unders it hides rippling effect more so you can’t see it as much, and the muscle tends to push the implant down creating that nice natural tear drop shape 🙂 I hope this helps 🙂 xxx

    Danielle 6

    Regardless of under or over you won’t be able to lift for a good 2-3 weeks maybe longer depending on healing! I had 300 cc unders on the 21 June I’m okay now but I feel If I over do it I’m sore on the night I still haven’t really
    Lifted anything,
    I’m a single mom so after the first week I had to get on with it and get back to normal


    Watch any lifting (I’m signed out of the gym for 8 weeks … Wimper!!!)

    I had unders 350cc (34a 61/62 kg size 8 on top & 10 bottom) on the 2nd of July & I’m still like a T-rex moody of the time & have to get the kids to help me out with quite a bit but it’s definitely getting better and more movement in my arms slowly.

    I heard unders would be more painful for recovery but either way it’s a big surgery & will take time to heal x

    Picture is 10 days post op


    They look amazing!! I know I’m just confused if the look is really different or only slight. I have had one consultation with my surgeon and he just asked me to do more research with what I want, which I’m clearly struggling with lol xx

    Jamie 55

    Hey, I had overs no one knows I’ve had them done unless I tell them and everyone says they look natural, I had a very good recovery I was driving after 8 days and out and about after 5, but with regards to heavy lifting at work I couldn’t do that for at least 4 weeks, I can’t post pics as I didn’t end up going with mya, I have an Instagram you can look at if you want it’s ba_380_overs xx


    Oh thats great they look so natural! I have just requested to follow you xx

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