Over the muscle pictures/experiences? Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie

    The surgeon has recommended that I go over the muscle, however I am worried about them looking fake as I am petite and currently an A cup. Has anyone that is naturally small on top had overs?


    Hi I am 2weeks post op and had 350cc overs ultra high profile☺️ i’m not the smallest of frames, 5ft 7 and a size 12! Was a size 34B
    But I can send you my before and after so you get an idea?

    I think it depends on how much breast tissue and where you already have fullness if that makes sense? I had Dr. Giannas as counts stress enough I wanted them to look natural.. because I had no fullness up top he recommended over and ultra high profile to give me that but assured me it wouldn’t look fake..

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Laura Allen 9.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Laura Allen 9.
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    Vicky 3

    Hi Laura, they look great!! I am hopefully going to have my consultation with Dr Giannas in a couple of weeks – would you recommend him? How has your recovery been?

    I don’t want mine to look fake, just full and natural like you.


    thankyou! I’m still waiting for the drop and fluff phase in which they’ll sit properly and a lot more naturally hopefully😍

    oh 100000% he was the best.. he’s very straight to the point and listened to everything i asked for and wanted, and then advised trying 300 and 350 which i went with in the end and they are perfect😍

    recovery has been okay! the first few days i was very stiff and it felt like pressure on my chest.. i stopped taking the painkillers after day 5 and went onto paracetamol upto day 7 and i haven’t taken anything this week!

    that’s what I asked for! he’s so good at what he does x

    I told him the ideal cup size is like to be and he advised

    Miss M 10

    Hey girlies,
    I’m 2 weeks post-op aswell, and also had. Mr.Giannas. I’m 5’6, 8 stone 8, size 8 clothes. Was originally 34GG to an empty 34D (looked about a B/C) also wanted more fullness at the top, I had a lot of tissue and had to have a reduction uplift and implants, high profile over the muscle 375CC.
    He was very honest and warned that I may get sagging in the future as I’ve chosen larger implants but still would be a massive improvement lol which I respected but wanted to feel myself again so I went ahead with 375cc. Can’t really see the final results yet but I’m confident.

    I had 0 pain. I still took all the pain killers just incase but nothing. Over the muscle is meant to be really painful so I’m super happy I was advised to go over.

    One thing I will say is, every ‘chest’ is different and some peoples implants will just look ‘faker’ because of their chest. Just the way it is. Also I think if you have some tissue to begin with they will naturally look more natural if that makes sense.

    Vicky 3

    Hey, thank you both for the reassurance! It’s always good to know that others have gotten along with him and trusted their opinion.

    I am hoping I have enough existing tissue to go over the muscle to be honest, as I have heard than under is more painful.

    Which hospital did you guys go to?

    Miss M 10

    I went to Fitzrovia hospital, I stayed over night it was great. Nice big private room endless coffees lovely nurses.

    I arrived at 8 but my admission was at 9.30 they let me go straight to my room and chill out. I had my procedure at 2ish and was out by 5.30ish, was exciting. I took all the drugs offered and was very comfortable. I brought a suitcase full but lit only needed a change of clothes, iPad/charger & toothbrush. That’s it . I didn’t get changed into pjs just stayed in the grown as it was better. I did bring a cushion for the drive back for the seatbelt. Oh and plait your hair so much easier.


    Vicky 3

    Ah wicked, thank you! I was wondering about whether it’s worth paying the extra to stay overnight (not been told what the difference is to stay overnight yet). Loving the idea of endless coffee!!

    Omg yeah! I never even thought about how the seatbelt would feel! If you have any other tips, please do feel free to share! I’m hoping I can get a surgery date soon after my consultation, I not good at waiting 😁


    All the reviews about Dr Giannas have been good so it put my mind at ease, so I can only share my experience to help you out☺️

    I went to New Victoria Kingston, admission time was 9:00am, as I was having an uplift aswell I had to stay in over night so I got my own room.. I was worried my partner wouldn’t be able to stay with me but he stayed the whole day!
    I got shown to my room and the staff were so lovely and welcoming💖 You have hospital clothes to change into and tea/coffee offered, we chilled for abit and got organised and then I had the anaesthetist come round and have a chat! An hour or so later the surgeon came in to draw up and have one last discussion and then after that I went down about 12:30/1.

    I was out by about half 3 and back in my
    room to rest, it was lovely as my boyfriend was there waiting for me, we got lots of food and drinks offered but my partner went out and grabbed me some bits as I wasn’t that hungry..

    Regular checks were carried out for the rest of the day and then my partner left about 8:30, so i rested and slept as much as I could.. I had these things on my feet which help reduce risk of blood clots in your legs and they were amazing, it felt like someone was giving my foot a rub😂😂

    The next morning I had breakfast about 8 and then had the tape taken off my chest, the women was so gentle it didn’t hurt at all! I got my discharge papers about 9:00am and then was free to go home..

    The car journey was the worst. it was about 2 hours drive home but I felt every little bump in the road.. I literally held onto them for the whole journey and have only just stopped doing it😂 I’d recommend taking a pillow in the car and just place in between you and the seatbelt💖 hope this helps xx

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