Overnight case what to pack for hospital? Started by: Eevie

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  • Eevie 35

    Hi everyone my surgery is so soon and I feel quite badly prepared lol!
    I’m an overnight case so not sure what I need to take!
    Ordered my Macom bras, got my v pillow and stuff for home but I’m not sure what I need for hospital and staying over.
    Button up pjs and slippers I guess, I’ve heard straws are helpful and Ice packs for the journey home!
    Any help would be great!
    Starting to freak out a little lol!


    Elizabeth 13

    Hoody for journey home or top that buttons up. Phone charger. Magazines. When do you go in? X

    Eevie 35

    Thank you I’ve got a hoodie for the way home 🙂 wondering if I should take my laptop or not to bother! Il put my phone charger and mags on the list thank you 🙂

    Elizabeth 13

    Personally I wouldn’t bother with your laptop. You are pretty out of it. I took my iPad but barely used it x

    Eevie 35

    Thank you Ye it might be more hassle than it’s worth ! I’ll just make sure I’ve got magazines and things x


    Toothbrush, some peppermint sweets to ease ur throat (they usually stick a tube down during op and it sometimes give sore throat) I brought some wet wipes as I couldn’t really wash my face/armpits it’s also helpful to rub off the pen markings from the surgeon. Comfy fluffy bed socks to help me sleep (it was Dec when I had mine and the air con is on to prevent bacteria spread)

    I brought some small fruit to nibble on and some pineapple juice as it contains bromelian whixh reduces swelling. I took some meal supplement shakes also cos I knew I’d be really hungry after the op and I was right!

    I was too excited to read anything and spent most time sleeping or messaging mates /taking photos. I’d advise to take home some of the little shot cups they give ur medicine in. Makes it easy to prep ur meds when ur home so u just wake and take once alarm goes off.

    They usually have straws anyway so wouldnt worry about that. Hope it helps fx

    Eevie 35

    Thank you @fran32 that’s really helpful 🙂

    I’m starting to get quite nervous now lol!!!


    Hey hun no worries it’s natural to feel nervous and anxious but the day will whizz by! Just make sure u get a good night’s sleep the night before. I had to be there for 7am so woke at 5 and hadn’t eaten since 9pm the night before.

    Make sure your room is clean and tidy and everything is laid out ie. Ur pillows and night clothes. Also put anything away that you don’t need! I had a little chair beside my bed for my phone/ charger with alarms set for meds, water and shot glasses filled with my meds.

    It’s gona be a great day honestly they treat u like a Lil Queen! Fxxx

    Eevie 35

    @fran32 Thank you so much lovely, I am hoping I can get to sleep the night before!

    I am about to do a tidy of my room so it’s all clean when I get home! My mum will be with me to look after me which is good when I’m home too!

    Did you need to take any extra pain relief with you for the journey home or did they give you all the pain meds you need ? xxx


    Hey hun no worries. Before I was discharged they gave me my meds so I was covered for a few hours. I took a cab home with my mum and was exhausted. My meds were due every four hours so I set alarms on my phone. I stopped taking cocodemol after day two as it made me really ill and swapped it for paracetamol and it was fine.

    The main issue for me and most girls I’ve noticed is the bloating and constipation which was awful. Thus is usually die to the cocodemol and all the anesthetic they give u. So get some laxatives or lots of Prunes cos it’s really horrible. Apart from theat my pain wasn’t bad it was more discomfort. I ate soup and yoghurt and lots of chicken as the protein is really helpful especially if u have under the muscle cos ir helps to repair it and makes it less painful.

    It’s great ur organised and u have ur mum to help! Mine was amazing so glad she was there for me as u can feel super fragile once ur home. Do try to enjoy the day ur in safe hands and just relax as much as u can. I nearly did a runner when I got to the theatre as I suddenly realised what I was doing and felt really scared sitting on the table I had wanted this for over ten years but it seriously is the best thing I’ve done so far in a long time. It’ll be over in a flash hun ur new girls will be with u soon in time for summer fxxx soooooo excited for u! Boob jobs are the gifts that keep giving they change so much every day!

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