overnight stay Started by: xbexx

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  • xbexx

    hi girls! :bigsmile:

    my op is in 8 days (:crazy:) and i’m just trying to check i’ve got everything i need! to people who stayed overnight, what did you take with you?? xxx


    I’m also staying over night 6 days from now.. Will like to know too! ;)


    I didnt stay overnight, but i would say make sure you bring a dressing gown! lol.. I never, and the paper gown they give you opens at the back! x


    hi peeps. i stayed over night and i agree with sarahaha i bought my dressing gown and wore it down to theatre with my slippers as the gown is open at the back and every one will see ya bum. i bought mags to read but didnt read them as i just slept. i bought my essentials like tooth paste and brush and washing bits (towels are supplied). i took a change of clothes and under wear and of course the sports bra. i think that was it? xx


    Thanks alot hun. That was helpful really, will cut out the mags then.. :wink::wink:


    I was an overnighter, and it’s good to take a pack of babywipes, so you can freshen up. Also don’t forget to take your camera!! Good luck xx


    oohhhh thanks girls :bigsmile: i’d hate to have forgotten something!

    1 week today now!!! :crazy: xxx


    its coming round quick bex!! x x x


    isn’t it just sara! :bigsmile: although this morning i was thinking…1 week today!! but then i stopped getting excited and thought…something’s so going to happen and i’m not gonna be able to get it done! haha. it’s weird – mixed emotions!

    how’re you feeling today babe? xxx


    Arr i know how you feel all too well hun! you’ll get it done, before you know it it’ll be enxt weekend and you’ll be resting at home ;)

    I’m quite tender today, obviously where the anesthetic has worn off now, couldnt move when i woke up! haha takes a while. My boyfriend had to go to work today, he helped me get undressed and sat upright before he left and got me what i needed, bless him, so that i wouldnt struggle, just waiting for my friend to come round now, she’s so excited to see me! lol bless her!! x x


    haha! i hope so :bigsmile: feels like i’ve been waiting forever!

    yeah, i’ve heard a lot of people say the 2nd day is the worst. bless ya boyfriend, he sounds like a star with all the things you say about him 😉 i bet she is! i’ve got a friend like that – i think she’s nearly as excited as me about me getting them done…she wants hers done too! haha.

    try take it easy as everyone says! :bigsmile: xxx


    Wow Bex!!!!!!! Your turn!!!!!!! hehe :bigsmile: Cannot wait for your story too, I can’t believe how time has flown!!! (even though you feel like it’s been ages! haha) I was the same as you sara, I couldn’t get up by myself for a few days! Kev had to give me a little push!! I was very sick on day 2,3, and 4, but that was because of the anaesthetic, and I could only manage a bit of soup!!
    Also Bex, they give you slippers too, and a towel, just incase you didnt want to bring your own?

    Ladies I am worried that my boobs have shrunk loads!!!!! I swear they look small now 🙁 or maybe I am imagining things??

    Have lots of rest Sara! And good luck Bex :bigsmile:

    x x x


    hi wendy! how’re you doing babe?!

    i know, it’s so real now you and sara have had your ops!! 1 week today :crazy: 😐 haha. luckily i’ll have my mum to help me with my recovery, bless her! i’m scared i’m gonna be sick too ‘cos whenever my mum’s had anisthetic she’s been sick (& i take after her in 99% of things!! lol), but hopefully i’ll be ok!

    you’ve probably just gotten used to your new boobies wendy, but you really like them, right?

    thank youuu :bigsmile: eeeeeeeeee! xxx

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