Overnight stay what to take Started by: Tessa

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  • Tessa 5

    What did everyone take or planning on taking for overnight stay pjs or just joggers? Anything that people wish they had taken?

    I want to be fully prepared as obviously no one can visit and partner will be around 2 hours away


    I just took pjamas, underwear, nightgown and slippers with my skincare, hair brush and some make up. Also toothcare stuff. I didn’t actually need my pjamas as I just stayed in the hospital gown I was given. Just basically pack as if you were going to a friend’s for the night

    Tessa 5

    Could you manage to brush hair and did you feel upto putting make up on? Did you have to stay in gown or could you put pjs on?


    I’m thinking the same what to pack as op on Tue do we need to put our things in a clear bag ?

    Tessa 5

    I had also seen about a clear bag but heard nothing confirmed


    You’re allowed to change into your pjs if you like, everyone manages the surgery recovery differently as some would be bed bound in agony, but I was pain free and able to do almost anything including brushing my hair etc

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