Overs Started by: Stacey

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  • Stacey 498

    What was everyone recovery like with people that had overs my op to moz I’m having 600cc go overs and now shitting it for the recovery and pain I’ll be in esp since I have 3 young kids xxx

    Vicki 24

    I haven’t had mine done yet! I’m booked for surgery next Tuesday! I’m having overs and I’ve been told the recovery is so much better! I also have 3 children so it has been a worry for me.. hope you don’t mind me jumping in on your post but I would like to see what other ladies have to say on this as I’ve only been told by 2 people about there recovery from having overs! All the best with your op!! Xxx

    Stacey 498

    Hi thanks Hun and no not at all Hun I’d say the more prepared you are the better it is well I’m hoping anyways I will keep the forum up dated on my progress xx

    Jackie 144

    Hi ladies I had 550 overs January 30th so not too far off on size 🙂
    The first week is a little tough but my hubby had a week off to help out he even had to wet wipe my under arms as I couldn’t do it myself (poor thing )
    did a lot of food prep and all laundry was done before surgery which helped so much think the worst part for me was sleeping near enough upright as I’m a side sleeper ended up sleeping in the sofa with my legs wedged up the arms so I didn’t slide haha
    Hubby is now reaping the rewards of all his hard work and help xx lol
    Hope you have an amazing experience as I did with mya x

    Danielle 117

    Hi I had overs about 10 weeks ago, I won’t lie the first week was the hardest but it was more uncomfortable then actual pain, I had a bit of strapping and I honestly think if it wasn’t for that I’d of felt a lot better! My partner took the first 2 weeks off to help with the kids I’ve a 2 year old and a disabled 4 year old and I couldn’t of done it without him! Like Jackie said the sleeping was the hardest I used a V pillow and loads of other pillows and just wedged myself up! Also Ice packs were a god send for the swelling as day 2 and 3 I was so swollen but the ice helped loads.
    Good luck though and enjoy it it goes by so fast! Xx

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