Overs Started by: Jasmine

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  • Jasmine 5

    Hi! Can anyone who’s had overs answer me this… do they look or feel fake at all? Can you notice the implant in anyway? I don’t think I’ll have a choice and I have slightly tubular breasts so I’ll have to have overs to get the right shape but I’m worried they’ll look and feel odd… thank you xx

    Sophie 17

    I had Overs and mine look really natural, I think they can look abit stuck on if your super skinny like 6/8 but im a size 8/10 and they are great on me! Don’t panic too much your surgeon is fully aware of what certain implants will look like one different people so trust him and discuss what outcome it is your wanting 🙂

    Nina 2

    In my head I wanted under muscle to achieve natural look but because I had already breast fed and boobs were shapeless I was recomended 350cc overs. I planned 300cc tear drop under muscle before consulation!

    Up until surgery I had reservations but they really do look perfect, right size natural to feel. I am so glad I just listened to the Dr. He explained that the round silicone gel still drops to a natural shape when stood up and my breasts suited over muscle.

    I realised its about how you want them to look explain that to your Dr then go from there. Good luck!xxx

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