Overs, hp to Unders Mod…… Started by: marlena

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  • marlena 4

    Hi ladys…had app.with kazzazi. At the mo i have hp,overs 275cc/350cc.currently c/d cup depending on brand.He said he would remain with the same cc but do moderate unders for me. Does anyone know if unders will take me up a size or will remain same? Thanks…will evently upload pics before and after..op date 28th nov. 🙂


    There are 150cc pe cup size with HP it’s more profile up front with mods less profile but more base to for me I’ve had unders in the past and with them being u er the muscle the muscle pins them down so there less projection so I would have thought you would have HP to push out the muscle a bit more X

    Jay 36

    Hi Marlena , it depends what you are trying to achieve, how come you are having them re-done? I’d say mod plus unders would definitely give you a smaller look than HP overs but it depends what you’re after, I’m sure he would have advised that for a reason based in what you’re looking for as an end result x


    Mods with unders will be flatter look with bigger base x

    marlena 4

    🙁 im starting to worry they gonna be small !!.i had surgery in 2007 due to weight loss and one boob larger than the other. Im having 2nd ba due to weight gain in pregnancy an now weight loss again. Ive never liked the size, too small 🙁 never liked the shape, too far apart…i have no cleavage…. The just look like 2golf balls stuck to my chest… 🙁 does anyone have any pics i could see… Im getting really worried now… 🙁

    marlena 4

    Ps im also having another lift but this time no cutting on areola

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