Hi hun my original surgeon was Dr mounir and he gave me the option of going over muscle because he said it would close my gap more and I was going to originally have 320cc over muscle but he had to had to have a operation him self bless him and mine was cancelled and had to change surgeons to Dr Traynor who advised me to go smaller and under muscle.. Which I ended up doing having 325/300cc (uneven boobs) under and I’m only 8DPO but I really love them and happy I did, but I think I’d of felt the same if I had over.. They are really amazing surgeons if your unsure just book again to chat, I was due to have or more with mounir.. There is such a stigma with over muscle but they can look natural too, it’s only if you haven’t enough skin they can ripple or see the implant. There are pros and cons with both, hope I’ve helped abit I know this stressed me out choosing a few weeks ago xxx @jade