Overs or Unders.. whats the difference? Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 7


    Could anyone tell me what the main differences are between having overs and having unders and partials?
    I have overs at the moment and havent been offered unders or partials at this point but wondered if i could have unders? I am sure i read a while back that girls with less breast tissue were offered unders?

    If anyone could tell me the difference or anyone thats had them and why they had them i would be grateful.. thanks xx

    Samantha 1

    Those who have unders (which are completely under the muscle) or partials (between the pectoral muscles) tend to have little or no breast tissue. They have this, as they would then achieve a more natural look, as they do not have enough tissue to cover the roundness of the implant. Therefore would most likely end up with a “stuck on” look, if they had overs. Your surgeon must have thought you had enough breast tissue to have overs. I have had overs because I had plenty of breast tissue and do a lot of upper body exercises. The healing time is shorter and when contracting my pectorals, my implant does not move upward with it. xx

    Jessica 7

    Thanks hun, thats helpful. I guess i must have enough breast tissue then.. i didnt think i would esp going a bit bigger so soon. I thought unders might be more painful.. ouch! Hopefully ill have all my quetsions answered nearer to my op x

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