:confused::confused:Hi everyone,
I recently went to MYA Manchester to see the surgeon about a BA.He gave me 3 sizes to choose from but he didn’t mention the words over or high profile.Please can someone shead some light on what this means.He did say they would go on top of the muscle-is this what they mean by overs?
I’ve wanted a BA for such a long time and thought i would go and say i want to look like that please,but then there’s all these different sizes to choose from and funny words!!!!EEK!
Thanks peeps.
arr its quite daunting isnt it! so much info to take in…yes the overs mean on top of the muscle, thats wat i’m having done…i’m having 2 different sizes, 380 and 410, going in on 7th october x x
Hi Eljay, it’s so confusing isn’t it. You’d think you can just go along and say ‘right this is what I want to look like’ and that’s it!
To be honest I’ve got most of my information from forums like this one and sofem cos you get to chat with other girls who are going through the same thing.
At my first consultation the surgeon rushed me through, barely looked at my boobs and didn’t mention profiles or unders/overs either. It was for this reason I went with another surgeon who was really thorough with his measuring and examining me and clearly explained I would need over the muscle and high profile 410 or 460.
If you’re unclear about any of it then don’t hesitate to go back for a better explanation or feel free to see as many surgeons as you like.
Let us know how you get on hun
Rio xxx
Hey hun,
I totally agree with the girls! If you need more info, do not feel embarrassed or anything just ask them ,because at the end of the day you need to get ALL the information that you can and want!
My surgeon suggested for me to have 380cc overs! But I’m having second thoughts and I want the next size up which is 410cc overs, which mr adamo will decide on the day of surgery, which will be next week!!!! argh!! on the 16 Sept!!! I want to have the larger option because I really don’t want to be disappointed with the size, paying a lot of money, and you want to look as good as you can, as this is a major decision!!!!
But I found that these forums totally help sooooo much, as you get to talk to like-minded people and get to blurt out all your worries and woes, which is great because EVERYONE understands!
Keep us updated hun!!
x x x
god wendy its coming round so quick now!!! still 4 weeks wednesday for mine!! xx
Aw Wendy how exciting, 16th Sept is the day of my pre-op so I’ll def be thinking of you! Let’s hope you can have exactly what you want but I’m sure you’re gonna look fabulous whichever implant you go for x
Thanks so much everyone for making me feel much better about going back and asking more questions.Now i don’t feel as silly!!! I also think i’m going to ask for a bigger size if i can (am currently 34b,want to be at least 34dd) because when the surgeon was recommending sizes he said ‘You don’t want them too big or they won’t look natural’. YES I DO!!!! I’ve waited long enough!!
I’m so jelous of you all who are having your’s done soon-i’ll have to wait till January because of money and it’s coming upto the bussiest time of year in my job and time off is difficult.I’m enjoying keeping my excitement up though reading everyone’s story’s.
Arr good on you eljay!! at least you can now stay on this forum and get lots of advice etc off all of us…when i’m done i’m going to set up some before and after pics, its certainly helped me seeing others, so when i do i will send them to you if you want, you dont have to though! haha
keep in touch anyway., i’m sure you’ll hear all of our stories along the way hun x x
No probs elijay ) you can get so much from these sites, and it feels very personal too!
Wow Sara, how can you set up before and after pics on here?? I really want to do that too!!
x x x
:bigsmile:Sara that would be fab.If poss could you get some pics up of you with clothes on.pmsl,that isn’t meant to sound how it does!!!:bigsmile:
Just because so many people say they don’t look the size they measure at.
You know what, that’s a really good point actually, I saw some pics of some girls recently who did some in different style bra’s and clothing like giong out tops and tshirts, vests etc and I actually found it more useful. I’ll put some pics up too once mine are done.
How do you put pics up though? I wanted to do this for after my BA too, but not sure how to do it!!
x x x
I’m not sure on here hun, the only ones I’ve seen have been on sofem, I was just gonna put mine on there and let you all know from here. x
hiya yes of course i will, no prob…i’m not sure if you can do it on here or nt, will look into it, but if not then i’ll put them on the sofeminine website and do it that way, to be honest i dont go on there as often as this one but i’ll def use it for the photos either that or just through email?? x x
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