Overthinking maybe… Started by: Nadine

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  • Nadine 34

    Hey girls so I know it’s ages until my surgery (waiting on January) I just can’t help but overthink.
    I have been offered 275/300cc hp unders by ms Lutz who I do really trust and have I think decided 300cc.
    Only thing is I keep seeing these sizes in rather small girls, I’m by no means big but these implant sizes iv only seen in more petite frames.
    I’m 10 1/2 stone and size 8 on top, 10 on the bottom, 5ft 6, 34a (barely)
    I’m worrying that they may be too small for my frame or am I just overthinking it all! It’s so hard to judge what they will look like! So i guess I’m asking if anyone has the same implant sizes and stats they could reassure me with.
    Thanks girls x


    Hey, you’ve got plenty of time. If I was you I would arrange to go and meet some more surgeons. Luckily I seen 2 and had already made my mind up when I met the second surgeon (can’t name as I’m not with mya) so definitely keep your options open and meet with another surgeon through mya x

    Ramla 27

    Hey Nadine, I’m 5’7 and weigh just over 8st size 6top, 8bottom and was very small 32b pre op. I had 375 unders and currently wearing 34c post op bras. I definitely could have gone bigger as mine look very natural, and a little on the small side. Maybe get a second opinion?


    Honestly the best thing to do is try the sizers on at your consultation, that’s what will give you the best idea. I was scared mine were going to be small as I’ve seen all these girls with 375+ implants thinking mine are going to be tiny but I think mine suit me perfectly. If you want a natural look then listen to your surgeon as I really think they like to make boobs look natural and limit the risks of stretch marks, rippling etc. If you want them to be bigger and aren’t bothered about them looking ‘fake’ then maybe as to see another surgeon?????

    I was a 32a and had 325cc. I’m not petitie im 5ft 5, I am slim but not really small. Size 8 and this is my results. I know they are 25cc bigger but honestly not a lot of difference between the two sizes.


    Nadine 34

    Hi Zoe! They look great! I know when I tried the sizers on that 300 felt good, but you can’t help see pictures on here of bigger that look smaller if that makes sense.
    I think I’m just worrying for no reason. I do trust her, I’m going to have another consultation with her when I have my pre op so to be sure x


    Hi Nadine I’m also a size10, 10 1/2 stone and 5’7 and was also a 34a, I wanted to go over the muscle and was offered between 330-360, on the day my surgeon actually put in 380 round moderate overs, and I’m so glad he did, any smaller I wouldn’t of been happy these are my before and afters hope this helps xx

    Charlene 21

    Hi Nadine, I’m 5ft 8 10 1/2st size 8!on top 10/12 bottom my surgery date is on Friday & I’m having 415cc under the muscle xx

    Daphne Blake 10

    I’m a size 12, 5’5, and was a deflated B cup, I had 300cc and now measure a DD.


    Exactly the same stats but I’m a shorty at 5’2

    I got 350cc unders …. On the day my surgeon mentioned 375cc but she thought the 350cc was right so stuck with that & I’m so pleased with them. I just wanted breasts, nothing big and to look natural

    Emily 1

    I’m a size 8/10 with big bum and hips that don’t lie ???? I had yesterday 375cc and 355cc infers and my post op bra is 34dd. I was an a before hand. I’ve got high profiles and Jesus what a difference. I haven’t had a proper look yet but even in my baggy tops that used to hang off me you can notice my boobs.

    Emily 1

    Overs sorry not infers??

    Rose 5

    I’m exactly the same size as you, surgery is booked for 18th August and I’ve been recommended 350cc round high unders – thinking the same as you about what the results might be!

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