Pain 1DPO!! Started by: Rhea

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  • Rhea

    Hey girls

    Had my surgery yesterday with another provider. Had a really rough time after the anaesthetic and was really sick for about 8 hours after. Today i feel so bruised and sore and finding it hard to walk around. I had 300cc over the muscle so didnt think pain would be that bad.

    Realistically what day does the pain die down?


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Mentioning other providers is against MYA's community guidelines
    Lauren 12

    I was in quite a lot of pain the day after …. and some more so. I stopped hurting (as much) about 5 days PO… after a week I was up and running as normal. The last two days I’ve had my nails and hair done, I’ve been shopping and to school for drop off/pick up ect. I still feel sore but I’m not relying on pain relief anymore. I had overs too and was surprised at how painful it was afterwards. My biggest tip is to take it easy and keep on top of your pain relief. Don’t leave it until it hurts, keep taking them as you’ve been told to and continue doing so until you feel happy enough to cut back. P.S just realised that I didn’t say earlier, but I’m 9 days PO (nearly ten with how late in the day it is ?). X


    That gives me hope haha!! Good luck on your recovery babe ?? xx

    Ruth 116

    Days 2 and 3 are usually the worst. By day 5 you hopefully will notice an improvement with pain xx

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