PAIN! Started by: Izzy

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  • Izzy -1

    Is it normal that my right side is way more painful than my left? Had my BA op on 22nd, hopefully got past the sickness, but i have such bad pain from my right armpit to the middle of the chest. My left side is pretty much okay, but as I’m right handed this is stopping me from doing much. Hoping I’m just being anxious as it’s my first surgery of any sort but don’t want to ignore it if it could be more serious xx


    Hiya ….yes totally normal! I had this on my left as I’m left handed and had the exact sort of pain like you described from the arm pit to the middle of the chest. My right was totally fine and as the weeks have gone on that pain has calmed a lot and at 5 weeks post op it’s gone but comes randomly for a few seconds if I do too much with that arm. To be honest at 2 weeks it should fade out. Defo nothing to worry about. It was my first ever surgery too so I know how you feel. Hope you’re recovering well.


    Ive had my boobs done this morning and im the exact same. My right one is alot more painful than the left. Like across the top of it and into the sternum in the middle of my chest. Feels like a 20 stone man it standing on it at times. But in myself i feel fine xx

    Izzy -1

    Aw thanks girls. That’s reassuring. Can’t wait to be in less pain, not feeling too excited about the new boobs atm.
    Zena did you have strapping on? How was it once the strapping was off?
    Glad you’re feeling well Nicola. I’m better today but yea the extra weight takes some getting used to haha xx

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