Pain around incision areas, is this normal? Started by: April J

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  • April J 16

    I’m 4 days post op and the tightness and pain in the boobs themselves is lessening slightly but I’m feeling different types of pains now lol!
    I have been feeling a kind of burning or tingling around the incision areas which are still covered by dressings. Is this normal? My boobs are starting to go ever so slightly more squishier now but only a tad, each day they’re looking and feeling different lol! X

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by April J 16.
    Linsey Waite 10

    Quite often you will get an itchy feeling, as your skin is starting to heal back together, some times also a gurgling/bubbly feeling in your breasts. Try not to worry, if something does seem not right just give your clinic a quick call!

    April J 16

    Thanks so much! It feels a lot better today (I’m now day 5po) but I’m sure there’s more strange feelings and sensations to come haha! I’m taking daily progress photos and can’t believe how much they’re changing! I feel like they’re getting bigger ? but towards the bottom so I’m assuming it’s part of this dropping and fluffing process I’ve been reading about? Either way I’m just gonna go with it lol!

    Josie 9

    April I’m day 3 now and didn’t need much pain killers in the day was making me groggy only at night but I’ve had that itchy burning in my incision area too

    April J 16

    Ahh yay happy day 3! The sensations over the days are so strange! I’m day 8 now and very very happy. No pain killers needed and back to normal but the nurse did say yesterday to still take it easy even if you feel 100% so just trying to get used to that.
    How are you finding the shape of them? Are you noticing the changes? X

    Josie 9

    Yes not so hard and not too much swollen, i have only paracetamol today feel i have more movement, just this soreness on incision, but could be the sports bra being tight.
    Overall feeling much better x

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