Pain at 2wks PO Started by: Paola Aguilera

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    Hey ladies! I’m 2 weeks post op, I had 450cc overs silicone. Absolutely love them! I have been having a lot of pain still though and am worried if I’m over working my muscles too much. I was told by my Ps I could return to doing normal things, driving, reaching over head, just no heavy lifting more than 5lbs, however I am feeling my muscles contract and my neck is killing me. I’m not sure if it’s the weight of the implants or if I’ve been moving too much. I’ve started massaging them. I guess I just can’t wait until I feel normal again, by the end of the day I am completely drained!

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    Heidi 217

    I had 300cc unders but im 10 days post op and feel the same especially at work, still cant lift one of my arms up past 45 degrees. Whenever i sit up or get up they feel super heavy and kill my muscles, glad to know im not alone is massaging helping at all for you so far?xx


    I feel like massaging them is making them more sore but I guess it’s what helps prevent contrapture and soften them up, it’s kinda freaky because I can feel the implants move and hear it although I was told it was completely normal. And I feel the same about one of my arms it’s my right one I feel as if I’m straining it too much like when I reach to grab my seatbelt or reach to grab something small. I was hoping the pain would be gone completely by now like I had read for most girls.

    Tracy 38

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    4 weeks before I was back to normal. Hang in there, it’ll happen x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Daisy 12.
    JM 24

    I’m 7 weeks still get slight morning boob lol. It will get better I had dual plane so I knew there would be more pain due to the Op. It will get better I promise it all comes with patience if something hurts stop and ask someone to help I know it’s hard especially in work but your body will tell you when your ready to do things just take things easy xx

    Kate 61

    I’m 5 months post op and I still have the odd pain here and there xx


    Thanks ladies reading everyone’s similar experience helps ease my mind a lot 🙂

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