Today is my day 6 post op. I spent all week at home, going for short walks (10-15) minutes daily.
Since day 1 there has been almost no pain (other than a morning boob), I could easily lift my arms, do all the activities and was off all pain medication on day 3.
BUT, I did notice that every time I would go for walks, my muscles would start hurting quite a lot, and it would be quite difficult to breath.
And today I went for a 30-40 minute walk and was in so much pain that I had to take paracetamol (500mg).
I was wondering whether any of you girls went through the same issue during your recovery : no pain/discomfort when sitting down, walking around the house but a fair bit of pain (more specifically – the muscle pain) when walking?If so, how long does this stage last and would you recommend continuing the walks or rather to take it easy and stop them for now.
Many thanks in advance! xxx