Pain in left breast Started by: Abi taylor

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  • Abi taylor 3

    Hi! I’m 3 days post op and the pain in my left breast is unbearable even taking my meds isn’t helping, I can’t move, sit up or walk without feeling like my left breast is being stabbed constantly. What do I do ???? I can’t even go upstairs for a wee. Made me sick 3 times too which was just as painful

    Jo 46

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    Hi Abi I like you am 3dpo and my left boob really hurts. I actually cried yesterday As was in so much pain! I’ve had unders and uplift so was prepared. I think it’s normal to get a really bad day. It’s going a bit better this morning. All I can say is try not to get too stressed and try to relax and keep taking the pain killers. If the pain continues to get worse it might be worth calling the clinic! I hope the pain dies down for you! Xx

    XmasPuds 38

    Hi Girls,
    I was in exactly the same position PLEASE don’t panic. It is totally normal and just the nerves knitting back together.
    It happened in my right boob, I couldn’t stand up or even slightly shuffle on the sofa or move either arm without extreme, debilitating stabbing pain.
    This was quite a shock as I didn’t experience any pain after my first op (I had a re-aug)- I think some girls are just unlucky (especially with unders).
    I rang my nurse and she reassured me, but also advised to take one coedine and two paracetamol together, every four hours. Then take ibuprofen two hours after that. So you’re technically taking meds every two hours.
    Apparently paracetamol works well with coedine.
    After about a day of doing this the pain has eased off LOADS! I stil get the odd twinge but was able to empty the dishwasher – with one arm haha – and feed the dog earlier (sounds pathetic but when you have this pain you understand how difficult that would be!).
    Today 5dpo, my stomach is pretty messed up from all of those meds and I have a bad headache – but it’s better than that severe, sharp stabbing pain.
    Good luck I PROMISE it gets better FAST. Xxxxxx

    Stacey 498

    Sounds like nerve pain Hun painkillers and plenty of ice packs helped me loads xxxx

    Abi taylor 3

    Thankyou so much girls it’s just annoying when I move slightly and feel like my boob has fell off haha. Thankyou for all the advice and I’m glad it’s normal I was so worried 🙁 happy boob day to you all! Xxxx

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