Pain.. Is it normal? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 25

    Im probably just worrying but since my op on Wednesday I’ve had hardly any pain if any at all in my left breast. But my right one is hindering me. I can hardly move my arm much and the pain is a really bad dull ache and burning sensation and shooting pains and it makes me lose my breath as its so tight even sat still it’s causing me to breathe quite heavily? And coughing I’ve woke up this morning and needed to cough I could have cried! Haha please say it’s normal? Xxxx

    Fiona 1

    Was the same for me. X

    Rosy 35

    Are you right handed? The dominant hand side pectoral muscle is stronger and tenses more Hun I have real tightness on my left ( I injured my right hand and used only my left for 3 months ) xx

    Sophie 25

    Yeah I am right handed babe! I thought that myself maybe because my right is much stronger so the muscles tighter but it’s still sore today! How are you healing rosy? Are you happy with your results so far? Xxx

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