Pain, sleeping help? Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 23

    Anyone got any tips on how to manage the pain or sleep more comfortable I have a V pillow and 3 Normal pillows but sleeping is shit and getting up is shit pain
    I had my BA yesterday so I’m only 1DPO

    Megan 6

    Hi Nikki, i had my BA yesterday and im exactly the same. Had a bad nights sleep and still in a lot of pain during the day.


    Hi Nikki, I haven’t had my op yet (having it next Monday) but noticed we are having the same implant size and the same surgeon. How was your whole experience yesterday? Did you go home the same day? I hope you feel more comfortable soon!!

    Faye 11

    Get a neck pillow like the travel ones you have on planes! God send xx

    Heidi 217

    Put a thick pillow under your knees at night so they’re slightly bent, helped me soo much xx

    Nikki 23

    Hi @lorrun I was stuck between 375 and 400cc and Dr sleiter said he’ll try 400 if they look stuck on he’ll take them out and put 375 in but in the end I woke up with 400cc HP overs
    After surgery when I woke up I did start crying Cos I didn’t know what just happened I didn’t even realise the surgery had been done I thought I woke up and was waiting to get my boobs done haha
    But when I got to my room I was just really tired and had the shakes which is normal after the anaesthetic Once I stopped shaking I didn’t feel sick at all I just layed in bed for a while then the nurses come in asked if I wanted anything to drink and eat I had some toast with chocolate on and 2 cups of tea and felt absolutely fine after it was only when I got home and had to keep getting up to go toilet it’s just a sharp pain trying to push yourself up but yes I went home same day I got there at 10am was going down for my surgery about 11:45 then by the time I was allowed home was about 7pm but it goes fast when you’re there xx

    Nikki 23

    It’s rubbish sleeping isn’t it I normally sleep on my side or stomach so this is annoying
    What size did you go for? I hope your recovery is quick xx

    Nikki 23

    @lorrun I have my post op next Monday also the 1st Oct
    And dr sleiter is honestly such a lovely kind man makes you feel so comfortable xx

    Megan 6

    @anon123 Im so used to sleeping on my stomach to so trying to get comfy is a nightmare! I had a better sleep lastnight i took a codeine before bed so i think that helped. Im a lot more mobile today but still really tight and sore!
    I had 375cc UHP overs xx

    Nikki 23

    I’m really tight as well been having ice packs on my chest to make the swelling go down trying not to look at them much Cos I know they’re swollen still and they ain’t going to stay like it but if I look I get myself upset thinking they’ll stay like this lol so I’m trying to save looking till my 7DPO @meganfearon xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Nikki 23.
    Jenna x 53

    Had my op yesterday also used ice packs during the day didn’t need painkillers up until last night only as was feeling a bit achy around the shoulder area so popped 2 Nurofen aimed the v pillow more lower to support shoulders and that took me through until 9am this morning and didn’t wake up stiff, same as you am normally a side sleeper and cannot sleep on back for love nor money, even woke up this morning sorta sideways on the v pillow lol hope you’re okay lovely and the pain starts easing off for you xx

    Megan 3

    I am 9dpo try putting a hot water bottle on your back its really helped me xx

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