Pain today with incision on right boob Started by: Stacey

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  • Stacey 496

    3dpocant stand up with our being in agony with my incisions on my right side pulls like mad and stings soooo bad have to sit back down not feeling today already today’s the worse day soo far made harder that my other half was called back to work last night he works away aswell so I got three kids to try look after also youngest being 18months xxxx

    Laura 47

    Oh you poor thing! Can anyone help with the kids?
    Are you taking your painkillers regularly? I find that when I sit for long periods – or when I get out of bed, I’m really sore. Try to keep moving so you don’t get stiff too x

    Stacey 496

    I’m trying to keep walking about doing little bits today a think it was the way I slept in bed last night that’s done it keeping my pain mess toped up today that’s for sure my youngest lil boy has gone out with my nana now soo not to bad at min now xxxx

    Rael 20

    Make sure when you are sitting/laying down you are at an angle were it does not strain your body to lift yourself up. Sit up when laying down in the bed, and then when you want to get up, use one hand to hold onto the bed sheet and lift yourself slowly. Then move your bum to move to the side of the bed, and without using your hands lift up from the bed.

    This is what I have been doing and it has stopped the burning pain I used to get in my incisions.
    If I try to get up any other way I will get the burning pain x

    Stacey 496

    @rael thanks Hun will keep that in mind think that might be where I’m going wrong with the getting up out the bed and of settee thanks Hun xxx

    Stacey 496

    @rael I think you may off been right it must off been the way I was sleeping as I’ve been moving about and still up right today and it’s not half as bad either xxxx

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