Painful nipples Started by: Zara

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  • Zara 3

    Hey ladies I’m 6 days po and my nipples r so sore? Is this normal?? Any idea how long it takes 4 them 2 stop being so sensitive??x

    Leah 53

    Hey Zara, I’m 6 days post opp today too and my nipples are onot fire. I’ve got shooting pains all overy my boobs and my insicions are hot and stingy. Days 3/4/5/and this morning have been the worst so far. I don’t know weather I’m being a big baby or weather this is all normal. I’m sure it will all get better for us! The things us women do eh?

    I read somewhere it’s all the nerves reattatimg themselves so could take some time, but it lessens.

    How are you feeling over all? Xxx

    Hayley 30

    It’s normal Leah honestly it will get better quick from now on, I’m 4 weeks post op and my left nipple hurts if I touch or something knocks it still xx

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