Panic about sleepless nyts… Started by: Chanel

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  • Chanel

    Starting to panic about recovery..sleepless nyts not being able to physically turn and even bath! Im a clean freak plus have two children n the more i here about recovery tyms and this not bein able to literally move in bed for weeks or bath is freakin me out abit in regards to bein bk on my feet to go bk to work n look after my children im like a bear with a sore head with no sleep n i will b on my own as my partner works away for long periods o well have to deal with it booked in for ba in 4wks

    Sof 1

    Please please please don’t worry too much. I was fine day 1, day 3 was my worst and I went back to work on day6. I’m now almost 3 weeks post op and I’ve felt basically back to normal since about day 9. I had shallow baths my whole first week and bedtime isn’t so bad. First days I struggled getting out of bed because of the strain but by day 4 I was absolutely fine honest xx


    I’m not going to lie I’ve had NO pain at all in my boobs but because I’m used to sleeping on my side or front I’m finding it really hard 1st night I woke up like every hour because I wasn’t used to sleeping the way they told me to (upright) I personally think the sleeping part is the worst part out of the whole procedure! xx


    I had my op on Tuesday & so far my recovery has been much easier than expected. Im not in any real pain just uncomfortable & stiff. Despite this I couldnt have coped without my hubby being home. I have needed him to help get out of bed, just to turn and reposition myself in the night ( very bad case of numb bum!) and just generally help me out. He even washed my hair today. I wouldn’t recommend being at home alone with your kids. will end up trying to do stuff & hurt yourself by over stretching/lifting. Sorry I know thats nit want you want to hear. Xx


    Honestly before you know it the worst will be over..yes the first week is very pants but once your past that you are literally getting better day by day. I’m a real nightmare with wanting the house clean but you really do have to take it easy otherwise you just set yourself back. It’s only a few weeks and you’ll look back and wonder why you stressed so much. You may not be able to do much with the kids but they won’t remember and you could be just as sick with a bad cold and be out of action. The more you rest the quicker you will recover. I slept on the sofa for the first week and found it easier than trying to get in and out of bed. Your not completely out of action but depending on the age of your children you could probably do with a helping hand…good luck you’ll be fine xxx


    Thanks everyone…i think haha My kids rnt babies and i have the first three days covered but then it will b bk to normal n on my own so will have to get on with it my son will b a help he is 12 and my daughter is 6 so i dont pick her up or anything but she does tend to run at me hahaha i do dread the nyts because im like a mad woman with no sleep! The sleeping upryt sounds a nytmare! Xx


    Hey hun. I’ve prob had a bad time as I’m nearly 3 weeks post op and had a few issues. Sleeping was a biggy from me but for the first week the pain killers u take b4 bed will knock you out. If I struggle now I just have mild sleeping pills u can get over the counter in boots. Very week but help when u have a numb bum at 3am!!! I’ve just started sleeping in my side and it’s sooooo much better just get a good bra! As for the cleaning…, me too. I bribed people to bleach and hover! X


    @shon what sort of bra do u recommend do i need to invest in an expensive one as ive just heard asda sports bras the ones to get?? Hope it gets alot better for u from now n yea ill just have to get my neighbour round for cleaning lol o i just thought can u iron straight away becsuse that will b a biggy i cant stand creases haha xx


    I’m 5 weeks post op and still having awful nights sleep, still can’t get comfortable, no pain though apart from sleeping on my back I feel my implants are digging into my breastbone, weird I know lol.
    As for cleaning I’m ocd with that and I didn’t think I’d cope but I was in too much pain to care to be honest however my hubby and 18yr old daughter cleaned.
    I’d recommend you get the Macon bra xx


    Yea some say they have the macom others say at po they were told its just not necessary but i will get it if theres a difference n as for the cleaning ironing etc like u say ill have other things on my mind like the bloody pain but hopefully the pain wont b too bad its the sleep i dread xx


    By the way what size bra do they say to go for?? The size u r requesting for ba or a size bigger or more than that?? X


    I don’t think the macom is very comfy to be honest and people have said the M&S is good but after 5 weeks of wearing a sports bra 24 he’s a day I don’t think any would be good. I can’t wait to be free from them lol. I’m sure you will be fine just think of the end result xx


    I hate been out of action and struggle to cope, I was out of action once for 12 weeks with a snapped achilles and was a nightmare to live with. I managed my own self care but needed assitance and my husband was so paitent. This time roud I decided I would do all I was told, afterall it’s a large amount of cash to invest to mess it up for the sake of a few days being out of action!! I’ve got a 12 yr old who has been fab and my husband also works away but has been with me this week. I had my op on Tues, uplift and BA. Woke up today and felt normal!!!. The pain isn’t unbearable just uncomfortable and as long as you take it easy you can move yourself around in bed OK. Shallow baths will make you feel loads better and baby wipes for underarms. The worse part is getting the GA out of your system. I felt the same as you but once I’d had it done I just went with how I felt. Take the painkillers they give you as you’ll need them xx Good luck xxx


    Thanku girls i no it will b out ov my hands once done so will have to cope will have no choice! My son will b a help,and ill just take regular doses of the painkillers ill get everything everybody has suggested such as the V pillow and try this cocooning in bed everybodies been talking about xx


    The m and a one is good. I’ve not brought a macom I think it’s over priced. The asda one is ok just not that supportive x

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