Paranoid?! Started by: JennaLouiseX

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    I know I posted not long ago about my sore almost sunburnt feeling on my right boob but it’s still there?! I’m 5 weeks post op on Friday, it’s calmed down a little but still there, especially around my nipple it’s quite sore.. Any suggestions or is it normal?!


    Have you called the nurse?? Xx


    No I haven’t, I didn’t know whether I was over reacting or not? :-/ xx


    I’m not sure Hun but it definitely can’t hurt to ask, that’s what they’re there for. You could always try ringing that hotline number?? X


    I will give her a ring then. I guess I should call tomorrow now shouldn’t I? Cause the red card is for emergency only isn’t it? xx


    Yes I would Hun. There’s no harm in putting your mind at rest x


    Thank you Hun! Just rang them and she said not to be alarmed its probably just the nerve endings coming back so it’s why it’s sore xx


    Ah brilliant! Bet you’re glad you called now! They look great by the way xx


    Told you it was nothing to worry about Hun! Just bare with it everyone recovers different! At least you know you are getting feeling back!!xx

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