partials? what's the difference with unders Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Can someone explain to me what the difference is with partials and unders? And can partials change the over all look if so what to xx

    Monica 23

    It is exactly the same. It is a name for implant placement. The recovery is more painful and at the beginning boobs look smaller but after the muscles relax they are becoming bigger. I don’t think the difference in look is big but everobody is unique so fnal effect can vary. X

    Amy 265

    Looks wise partials/unders are more natural. If you haven’t much tissue overs can look extremely fake. Usually if your skin is poor quality and you have little breast tissue your surgeon insists you have partials.
    Recovery is suppose to more painful with partials but I breezed through mine.
    With my partials I can wear push up bra and get the fake round look. It’s all down to personal choice and what you already have to what the surgeon will offer x


    I’ve had fully under the muscle and look is so much diffrent to parts chick with parts you get a lovely round look with more chance of Clavage . Fully under ate pushed down by your muscles but you don’t get much of Clavage unless you got good push bra on but saying that I what I miss more about my unders was that they sit quite high up and look good without bra x

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