I’m 16 days post op and unsure how I feel.
I had 375cc HP Round textured implants 16 days ago. Was planned to have a nipple lift but Dr Mahdi didn’t feel it was needed, I was formerly a size 35a and had lost all volume after breast feeding 3 children.
If I’m honest I was totally shocked by the pain. I have friends who sailed through theirs but I was in serious pain, I barely slept for the first 10 days. My nipples are unbearable to touch and one of my boobs hast loosened at all.
I can see promising signs on one (my right) but the other is holding firm. I’m worried I needed the nipple lift as I wanted nipples that point up a touch and I feel mine are dragged down by the sheer size of my implants.
I am reading lots and hear they will settle and I’m hoping this is the case as right now I’m unsure. They are better than they were but not as good as I hoped in my head.
Has anyone else had a long journey for theirs to settle? Maybe it’s me being impatient. I’m remaining hopeful but do worry as right now they are not what I was hoping for and definitely don’t look as good as most of the stories published on here.
If anyone else has had a similar experience I’d love to hear from you. I’d also happily chat to anyone who wants to ask me any questions. It’s a huge step. I know it’s the right one for me but I’m hoping it improves and I’m not slightly disappointed with the results 
Day 16 shown in the photo