Paying for BA? Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia

    Just wondering how everyone was able to pay for their procedure? I’m curious as to which way is easiest. Saving and paying the full amount, mya piggy bank, finance, a loan etc? I’m only in a 12 hours contract job which does offer overtime but because it’s not contracted if be denied finance straight away. I’m good at saving but it will still take years to save atleast 5k! Just wondering how long it took people to save etc?
    Thanks girls! X

    xjessx 5

    Heyy! I paid my deposit on card in the manchester clinic then they give me an account to pay my money into i paid about 1000/2000 every month after i got paid till it was all paid for…hope this helps xx

    Ellie 279

    I managed to save £700 and then as I was working self employed at the time I went and got a loan from natwest bank for £2000 so then I had £2,700. I’ve reached the point where I couldn’t save anymore as I’m not working now! I’ve got two little girls and it’s only my partner working full time so I went for a consultation and said I wanted to put all my money down as deposit and then pay the rest back over the longest period of time but the highest deposit she will take is £2,495 she said so with the remaining few hundred il just pay my first monthly payments out of that. Have you tried getting a loan? I’m going to have to do the finance in my partners name too xx

    Demi Mae 19

    I got a loan, better APR and you get discount if you can pay in full and are available short notice I booked mine for March and payed 4295, where as original price was £4995 or something xx

    Ellie 279

    That’s a really good price actually x

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