Paying for them Started by: Jasmin

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  • Jasmin 17

    Who has previously saved up or is saving up for boobs? I’m currently saving away 300 a month towards mine and half way through, been wanting this for so long, I really hope all the saving is worth it in the end ?

    Laura 10

    Yep saving up for next December, doing extra shifts at work, babysitting, stopped getting nails done ect. It’s hard but will be worth it in the end ?

    Jasmin 17

    It seems like such a long way off but so want to do this, and finance is not an option for me. I’ve stopped nails & luxury’s too, have you been to consultations yet? I’m not wanting to go to any until I at least have 80% of what I think the cost would roughly be, x


    I’ve had to save due to not being able to get them on finance. Just made my last payment. So excited to get them done and it’s nice knowing I’ll have no debt either ?. My surgery is on the 3rd of August.

    Jasmin 17

    @sparklyshoes88 how exciting! That must feel so good ? I can’t wait for that, what size etc are you having?


    I’m getting 420cc and 495cc teardrop. Apparently I’m not symmetrical but I never noticed ?.

    moodyboobs 6

    Keep going ladies! Started an envelope in December 2018, put $50 in it, and drew a pair of boobs on it. Now, July 2019, 7 months later, I’m 5 days post OP, paid everything in cash, and it is so surreal. I FINALLY have my dream boobs! The pain of working extra hours, working out harder to get to your body goals pre-OP, saving every. penny. where it counts….. it will pay off!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by moodyboobs 6.

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