Payment Started by: Robyn

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  • Robyn

    Hi girls

    I’m booked for 28th April in Preston. I know it’s a while away still but got to have it paid for by end of March. Does anyone know about making payments? I’m funding it myself and have had a read through my patient agreement but can’t see any information about this. I want to pay what I’ve got now and the rest at a later date in March. Can I make separate payments or does it have to be a single one? I’ve given my PO an email but she hasn’t responded yet. Probably just being paranoid but don’t want them saying they haven’t received some payment and knowing me it will get spent!

    I’m also due to go to my pre-op on 01 April, is that a bit early for pre-op? I read that it should be a week before the op.

    Thanks girls.xx


    Heyyyy, they don’t mind you paying in instillments as long as it’s all paid for by a certain date 🙂
    And as for pre op, my BA is on the 13th April and I had my pre op on the 17th Feb! 🙂 xxx


    Hey @robyn I have a similar date (21st April)! I have put down the deposit already and I booked myself in for the pre-op for the 5th April.. although you don’t HAVE to pay earlier makes everyone’s life eaiser if you do apprently cause there is a lot of paperwork; is better for us so if it goes tits up (excuse the pun) then they can have it rectified before surgery date. Cause I cant think anything worse than waiting longer than I already am…
    As for payiing in two separate lumps; I don’t know but if I hear anything I’ll let you know 🙂 xxxx


    Thanks ladies! I might send some more money tonight then or try and get my PO to send me a paying in slip. Want to get the majority of it out of the way then I’ll just have a bit to pay off in March.

    I can’t wait for mine. What are you both getting and who with? Wanted one for years so made up it’s finally happening!x

    India 6

    my ops on 6th april and my pre ops on 17th march so like 3 weeks before! x

    Laura 13

    I have paid for my op myself and I have paid in instalments, they just wanted full balance paid 6 weeks before. So all paid now and having pre op next week (5 weeks before surgery)

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