Payment Started by: Rebecca Walton

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    Hi iv paid the deposit
    And booked my surgery date for march 22nd

    When does the balance need to be paid by? I don’t hear much from my pc now since I booked the date and paid deposit
    Do they seem to care much as long as the op is paid for before the day?
    I was told it has to be at least 50 odd days prior to the op
    Then I was told it was 5 days after booking a date

    All a bit confusing

    Thanks x

    Sarah 18

    Payment has to be paid 5 days after your consultation with surgeon. (I didn’t realise this until I got the email the day after my app with surgeon.) if it’s not paid they can cancel/change your surgery date xx


    I had a consultation back in November.
    They asked for deposit then but no payment until I booked a surgery date

    They have asked for this payment 5 days after I booked a date

    Seems it’s different for diff people??

    Stacey 2


    I think it’s definitely worth calling and speaking to your PC again, as I think it depends. I booked mine in august 2022 for January 2023 (I have a physical job so needed to be able to take a month off) and it had to be paid in November. I know they will send you reminders nearer the date it is due but I think it depends a lot on how soon your surgery is x

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