Payment options?? Started by: Lauren Wilkinson

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    Hi girls. I have my first consultation booked on the 29th jan and just wondering about how payment works if all is well.. Do u put a deposit down on that day and get offered a surgery date or does this not happen until you have a consultation with the surgeon? Just trying to get a better feel of what to expect on the day. Tia

    Stacy 6

    Hiya Lauren, you can either pay £1000 deposit at the consultation and book your surgery or I think you can pay just £500 deposit when meeting your surgeon. If you’re paying in full then the balance needs to be paid 56 days before your Surgery, good luck!x

    Megan 5

    I paid 500 yesterday to secure my date


    Thank you girls! So you can put 500 pound to secure the date at your first consulation? does this still apply when u go for the finance option? X

    Rali 41

    Deposit applies in the same way with finance option. I had paid 1500 deposit on my first appointment to secure the surgery date and the rest of the amount on finance. I have already had my surgery done and 1st payment of the finance will be withdrawn basically a month after the surgery.

    Megan 5

    I think so yes, I’m paying in full for mine

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