pc Started by: natalie

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  • natalie

    Basically when i had my first consultation my pc was really friendly,however when i said ill be doing thw mya piggy bank i feel asif i have just been dropped by her,she told me she would call me that week i heard nothing,then the night before my consultation with my surgeon i had a text saying looking forward to seeing you tomorrow blaa blaa…i went and she wasnt even there i had to speak to someone else..i wasnt shown any pictures,didnt try on fillets with pc as she wasnt there..kind of feel like if you havent got the money there and then they fob you off. Kind of annoying,dont feel i have been treated fairly at all.


    oh god :/ which clinic? X


    Birmingham,its such a shame because there all so nice there! I just dont understand lol the only thing i can think of is because im not paying straight away which would be unfair if thats why x

    Laura 12

    I can kind of relate to this. Was initially going to do finance but got talked into paying full amount upfront. Would have calls and texts daily, soon as they received payments I havent heard a thing. My op is in 4 weeks so hopefully hear something soon. Im guessing they get commission or something, probs why theyre so flexible on prices and discount prices vary for each patient too. Everyone should be treated equal x

    Laura 13

    Everyone shud be treated equally. I have had a great service.


    Thats not on laura is it.hopefully you get contacted soon as you havent got long now have you 🙂 exciting hope all goes well for you! Laura 2 haha ..yes your right everyone should be treated equally and im glad youve had a great service 🙂 youve had yours done today havent you? How you feeling?xx


    I’m at Birmingham too @natalie22-x Who is your PC? xxx


    I’ve had exact same problem my PC is useless she’s non existent! Such a shame that some of the pcs let the company down because mya as a whole are amazing but I’m 2 days post op haven’t heard from my PC for weeks lol x


    Very disappointing!! I wouldn’t be happy either. It’s one of the biggest decisions of your life so you need to feel comfortable with whoever you choose. Xx

    Becky 1

    I’m at Birmingham with Wanda and she has been amazing with me!! Heard a lot of other people saying how great she is too, maybe she has been busy or something? Maybe just having an off day?! She’s so lovely I’m sure she would never do that on purpose! X


    Im hoping shes just been busy but still feel i havent been treated correctly as ive missed out on a lot! But we will see 🙂 she is really nice so im hoping she contacts me as ive tried contacting her but shes never there lol im just going to save into my piggy bank now and just call them in october/november when ive got the money together. Xx


    Had a phone call of wanda today so weird lol she explained why she wasnt there for my consultation..shewas so nice as always! can relax now 🙂 xx

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