This is tmi but lol from the moment after surgery the first few days where your arms are weak and can’t move them properly how did you cleanse yourself ( and you know what I mean just don’t want to be rude) after you Been to toilet without puttin stress on your arms? xx
Where there is a will there is a way!! (Or just ask someone who loves you A LOT) x
Lol a good way to test a person how much they really do love you hehe lol, bought senoket for constipation as with most surgeries the anesthesia makes your. Tools delay and thought of this as I’ve never had my arms restricted but hmmm how’s healing so far b xx
You wont be that bad hun x
Lol this is nothing my imagination of being post op from breast augmentation is pretty hmmm bizarre I bet I don’t even experience half the things I’ve got in mind lol my other surgeries I was exactly the same lots research but my thoughts of being post op and how I would heal etc beyond funny thinking all sorts lol xx
That’s a good idea! I haven’t been to the bathroom yet but not felt the urge to either. Water works of course are fine and actually even had my partner pulling my knickers up and down first few days as I was terrified to move my arms at all! Healing great though babes! Gets better everyday! They seem more even now too. At first my right (which is always my bigger boob naturally) seemed wayyyy bigger. But today they are being good twin sisters!
🙂 yess my right is a slight different size to left can’t notice unless you really look, and aww that’s brill it’s soothing aswell when you have plenty support around you makes the healing process so easy, so your surgeon doesn’t use strapping I’m presuming? You liking the looks of them so far hun xx
P.s if you dont go to the loo for a number 2 more then a week you’ll have to let your gp or nurse know. I’d say get some laxatives Ive only got mild senoket for now xx
Yeah lots of support is awesome. I have my two sons but my friend literally just came and took them off my hands. They’re going to decorate her Christmas tree and I’m putting my feet up! No I had no strapping and no drains. Just literally two big plasters over the stitches. I like them yeah. Hope they get bigger and I’m sure they will with fluffing but already my body shape looks better. My left gurgles a fair bit and almost squelches! Yeah I’ll keep an eye on the bathroom business. Though I never did go too often before. 3 days with no movement is quite normal for me. 5 days is a long time for me though so I’ll keep it under check
Ahh that’s nice they’ll enjoy that 🙂
And 3 days really! Lol wow I need one everyday otherwise I feel like a fat cow!
I’m enjoying my last few days training hope I don’t pile on any pounds during my recovery routine goin to be a mess I know that for sure! Xx
Haha yeah my partner goes like twice a day everyday!
Yeah I was like that. I don’t wanna get fat during these 6 weeks. As soon as I get the go ahead I’m gonna do light cardio or lower body work!
Your gunna look a sunshine in that wedding dress hun excited for ya xx
Hi I don’t think u will be that bad that u will need help to wipe after goin to the loo I haven’t needed help anyway x x @scarlett I am glad i read this and saw that u said ur boob gurgles and squelches cuz my right one had been doin it too and i wondered if that was normal lol xx
I have had no problem doing this myself as I’m only one day po xx
Thnxs @candybabey and yeah @ Kayleigh I remember girls talking about it when I was pre op so wasn’t surprised. My partner was though when I was asleep it started gurgling on its own and I woke up with him having his ear to my left boob hahaha would have been a good Halloween prank xx
Well you never know I might do lol besides honest truth girls Ive been brought up to wash after number two so for me will be. a challenge to twist and wind the combo shower fitted with. My toilet but hey who knows xx
All about those baby wipes @candybabey 😉
@candybabey hopefully u will be fine I no it depends on each person and effects us all differently but I have been absolutely fine since having my BA 4 days ago, it is no wer near as bad as I expected I might just be lucky but from day 1 post op I can do everythin myself go toilet, dress my self, brush my hair and put it up etc I have to be careful not to do to much because I feel so well and feel like I can do anythin iv been itching to wrap presents but moms asked me not to she said wait a few days at least til iv had my post op with the nurse . What are u gettin Hun ? N wen u havin it done ? I’m sure U will be fine and pleasantly surprised at what u can do after xxx
Ohh gosh thats fab hun 🙂 woman power! Ha
My big day is coming closer its this weekend! I’m goin fairly large hun having sizing on the day so will reveal post op, Im currently have plenty breast tissue already I just want more as I love love the big look I will be going over the muscles and that’s the only placement I would accept as I personally never want my muscles touched no thanks lol xx
Oh b you made me giggle abit but so cute tho your hubbie listening with his ears could just imagine your face tho like ermmm love what on earth you doin haha xx
Haha he was like ermmm is that your tummy? I swear that came out your boob! Haha silly 😉
Boobies make music 😉 xx ahh happy healing beaut it’s lovely seeing others enjoying their recovery and make me feel more positive too xx
I had no trouble with that kind of thing tbh, you’ll be fine x
Thanks Kaydee xx its just me having thoughts that I wount be able to move my arms at all. Lol
I hear you hun! I never had any issues with my arms even with unders, I couldn’t go right above my head and was a little stiff but I still had a lot of movement 🙂 x
Just thought I’d update myself on this post and reading back now lol so funny the things your mind comes up with, goin to the loo was a breeze well I’d say by day 2 post op that’s when I got back home I went toilet I think nature took its cause arounds it’s habitat lmao..guilty I took a senoket the night before day 1 post op and it was horrible hurts the stomach it does but was worth it the next day! And ever since no problem in the loo section 😉
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