petite and don't want to go too big! before and afters please? Started by: maria

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  • maria 15

    currently researching and waiting for a consultation.
    ATM i am a size 32A, 5ft 4 and 7 and a half stone.
    would be great if anyone had a similar built to me and what you girls went for 🙂 would much be appreciated, thank you xxx

    emma 28

    Hi . I can’t help much as u don’t have my op until Wednesday but I have the same stAts as you and having 375 motiva parshaly under the muscle which should get me to a d cup x

    maria 15

    hey Emma,
    aw bet you are so excited! where are you going for it? I was thinking having like a big C cup/ D buttttt wanna see some pictures to get an idea.
    good luck!!! xxx

    emma 28

    If you would like to add me I cN show you some after pics once there done . I asked for a c or a d but he said best to go for a d as implants weigh more than natural breasts so if I measure a d cup I will only look a c cup if that makes sense ? I’m having is done in Preston , getting so excited now z

    maria 15

    sure, will add you now. thank you!
    aw soooo exciting, you’ll have to let me know how it all goes! 😀 xx

    emma 28

    I will do xx

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