petite frame with 300cc HP unders ?? Started by: Chantelle

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  • Chantelle 2

    Hey, I’ve got my surgery booked for the 3rd of August and wanted a natural big C / small D .. i’ve been offered 300cc HP over the muscle, which I was a bit suprised about as I’m only 32a and very slim so I was expecting partials or unders .. Has anyone had this with similar stats? bit worried about rippling and just being a bit too big in general .. wondering if I should see my surgeon again and ask for 250cc instead

    Any advice or pictures would be really helpful

    Thanks x

    Beci 26

    Hiya, I’m 5ft 4 and weigh 7 stone 6. My surgery is 26th July and I have been offered 270, 295 and 320 and Mr Mounir said he would even try 350 on the day but wasn’t sure if he would get them in. I was really shocked as I’m slim I only expected 250 ish. I’m so undecided what size to get as I wanted them in proportion to my body. I have been told under muscle though as I haven’t enough tissue for overs which I already knew and apparently unders give a much more natural look rather then looking stuck on from what I have read on here. Xxx

    Chantelle 2

    You must be excited! I’ve seen some of Mr Mounir’s work he seems like an amazing surgeon! My consultation was pretty quick and he just said 300cc which i’ve read a few times on here when wanting a large C/small D. it is really hard! Because you don’t want them really big but also don’t want to regret going too small. I didn’t think I’d have enough tissue for overs either which I’m confused about I was convinced it would be partial or unders. Think I might have another meeting with surgeon to put my mind at ease xx

    Beci 26

    Yeah it is hard to decide on size. I think for my frame I’ll end up going with either 270 or 295 as I’ll be devestated if I end up an E or something and they just look daft. I would definitely meet up with your surgeon again if your unsure about anything. If you would prefer unders I’m sure that would be fine. There’s less chance of rippling etc with overs if you haven’t much of your own tissue. I hope you get sorted xxx


    I was offered 300cc HP unders too and that’s what i had 🙂 I was also a 32a and size 6 petite. . Theyll be fine. Mine look bigger undressed than with clothes on. Im hoping to be a very full C or small D once they’re settled. For now when im dressed they just look nearly the same as before because i used to wear really padded pushup bras…only now i can look the same without the discomfort…im never ever wearing padded bras again 🙂 yay
    This is what mine look like dressed and undressed. 🙂 I hope this helps. Im 24 days post op.

    Kay 48

    Wow @ana you’re are amazing! Do you have before photos? X

    Chantelle 2

    They look amazing! I was just about to write an email to have another consultation to change to 250 but I don’t think I’m going to bother now. They look a great size! Who was your surgeon?


    Hi girls. Aww thank you so much. I’m happy with my results so far. My surgery was with Mr Netri in Preston. Ill try tonipload befores. But my phone is pain with file sizes so i have to use an app to convert them. Will try to upload befores today. I have this one for now. Will see what else i can find 🙂 ooooops hahah wrong image dont know how to delete it sorryyyyy!!!

    Chantelle 2

    Haha no problem! They look like such a good size and shape especially at 3 weeks post op. It’s good to have an idea of the size I’m hoping mine won’t be much bigger as they will be overs. But I’ve read on here by so many girls that if you’re unsure go with the bigger implant. Keep changing my mind between the 250 and 300. Love your tattoos aswell by the way!


    Aw thank you. Mine felt too big on the first few days because they were so solid and swollen. They looked like bullets! And were so round on the side But as the swelling went down they sort of calmed down a bit. I’m sure there’ll be changes lots of people here post months after and they change so much. I hope you get the right size for you in the end. Be honest with the surgeon and tell them what you want and listen to their recommendation. They measured you so they know what will give the look you want. I was honest and said i wanted a very full C cup or D and just wanted volume . He suggested 300cc HP unders straight away thats all i was offered. Im sure he could offered smaller or a bit bigger. But i now can see it was just the right implant for the look i told him i wanted 🙂 I wanted under the muscle because for us petite girls it’s supposed to cover the implant better and not show rippling if it occurs…at least on the top. Just speak to the surgeon again make sure they know your concerns and what you want and see what they say 🙂

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