Hey girls
I have some pics up now from literally as soon as I woke up after my re-op yesterday.
I’m so happy and recovering fanatically. My first boob job with Mya 3yrs ago I was in absolute agony… I no it varies person to person but I really was in so much pain first time round.
This time round is an absolute breeze and I’m so happy with my BIGGER boobs now and I know they will get better and better the more they settle.
I have strapping on so they are held in place nicely 🙂
They are amazing at Highgate both Times I’ve been there. The service has been incredible. But id suppose you would expect that paying 4.700 lol. Also the houses around Highgate are so LUXURIOUS!!! I was star struck by all the mansions lol. It was celeb ville haha!!
Any ways girls just sat relaxing with a tea admiring my view lol. Its hard to see how big they are with the strapping on in my pics.
But I definitely feel it lol.
Alyssa x