Has anyone got any pics of their overs they would like to share i am having overs tuesday and would lve to see what they look like?
Thanks caroline x
@caroline21 295cc high profile overs from a 32aa. I’m one week post op today x
Thanks suzanne they look amazing were you in loads of pain after? X
Ruby they look amazing ? Were u in pain for long after?? Xx
5 weeks post op – no pain at all, went for a meal that evening and driving day 5, stopped all meds day 4 (was having paracetamol before bed). Slight twinges when I pushed myself up with my arms etc but that’s it! I was borderline uplift and will need one in future (that’s why my nipples are lower) X
No not really, the only pain I’ve had is back pain from the sports bras. And I had a bit of an allergic reaction to the surgical tape.. But its surprisingly not painful at all!
The worst bit is when the skin has stretched and they’re healing, they’re so so itchy all the time.
You honestly have nothing to worry about.. What size are you getting? xx
Lyndsey they look so good what size did you go too? Xx
Oh thsts put my mind at ease abit then. I am having 375cc overs what did u have? Xx
They look fab amy ? Thanks for all the pics girls xx
I had 450cc overs and no idea on size yet but sneakily getting measured today x
Ohh they look amazing i hope mine sre nice when they are done i am getting scared now xx
I have had minimal pain from the beginning. Didn’t need any painkillers after surgery and have only taken them as and when needed really. I took them before bed for first few nights just incase but not needed to past 2/3days. Mine are really itchy all over not just on the incisions. Sensation is slowly coming back aswell.
Has anyone noticed with there’s that one seems fairly larger than the other. I’m hoping this is them just healing differently and should even themselves out a bit X
590cc overs
One year on I’m getting re op soon and having a nipple lift to bring them to wear they need to be and having new implants for the more fake look xx
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