Piercings Started by: Clarissa

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  • Clarissa 16

    Hi girls, I know we’re not allowed to have piercings in but i have my tregas (however you spell it) pierced and its the metal earring with the ball in the middle. I have two of those piercings and I’m unsure how to take it out, does anyone know what I can do?

    Thanks x

    Gemma 9

    @clarissacw dont quote me but im sure they can put surgical tape over them. I know when ive been for surgery (nothing cosmetic) they asked if i wanted tape for mine


    @clarissacw so glad you’ve started this post as I’m equally as confused about this too! So I have my tragus, rook and conch pierced and I don’t wanna take them out and if they heal up I’ll be sad 🙁 but my boobs are more important so I’ll take them out if I have to ? So the big question is can they tape it or not. Xxxx


    Following this too as I have a lot of piercings. Like I will be bummed if I take them out and they heal over but new boobies will compensate for that I guess

    Anna 40

    @aimfer94 @kymberlyba16 my mum’s a nurse and she told me the reason they ask you to remove all piercings is because with general anesthetic if your heart was to stop and they need to use the machine thing to restart it the metal can become heated and cause burns where the piercing is. I’ve recently just had another piercing a few weeks ago and i asked my nurse about it and she said i’ll be fine as long as i wear a plastic one on the day of the op.

    i have my tragus pierced and if its the same hoop as mine you need to pop the ball out by holding the hoop with one hand and pulling the ball out with the other if that makes sense? There’s loads of Youtube video’s on it and if you really can’t do it go to your local piercing place, although i know some places charge which is annoying! x

    Emily 24

    Yea…. What Anna said!!
    Unfortunately you have to take ANY metal out even down to hair extensions that have copper/ micro rings in. Nightmare I know xx

    carlymarie 17

    What about tongue piercings? X

    Amber 72

    Did you girls get plastic bars to put into your piercings during the op or? Also I’ve got a brace on the back of my teeth, this wont affect anything will it? Totally forgot to mention it to my pc and the nurse ? xx

    Amy Parren 38

    Hi girls I had my op 4 weeks ago. I have Tragus took belly and another in my ear. I had to take them all out and I had plastic bars in them for my op. It was no fun removing them my mum was sitting there with pliars trying to remove them it was such a pain as I’ve never removed them and had them in for years. but I’m pleased I did change them for plastic as I didn’t want to risk any metal burns and my surgeon refused to operate with them in xx

    Leanne 41

    I left loads of my peircings in cos i simply couldnt get them out, my nurse on the day said she would tape them before.i went in but nobody did and when i woke up they still werent taped so i have no idea if they were taped at any point or not but if theres any that are literally stuck you should get away with it (defo not the tongue tho, the tube down your throat wont go well with that one!) x

    Clarissa 16

    OMG I’ve just realised I’ve got a metal wire at the back of my mouth too where I used to have braces. This literally can’t be taken out so I’m not too sure what to do !

    Amber 72

    @clarissacw I can’t see it being a problem but I’ve messaged my pc to see what she says, I totally forgot about mine until before!

    Jess 146

    I have a dermal in my hip that we just taped over since I can’t take it out. I also forgot to take my belly piercing out and I woke up with tape over that too 🙂 xx

    Clarissa 16

    @amber18 yeah my op is on Thursday, so I hope it is alright!! I’ve messaged me pc too so will see what she says X

    Amber 72

    @clarissacw there’s no way it can be taken out ?, hopefully it’ll be fine x

    Natalie -1

    Had my op yesterday and I swapped all my piercings for plastic bars yet during op they took out my nipple piercings still ? They taped over my tragus piercing cuz I told them I hadn’t long had it done and they were fine with it all x

    Clarissa 16

    Do they give you plastic things to put in ? I’m worried I won’t be able to get my Tregas one out, but guess I have 4 hour waiting time to try ?

    Holly 17

    I’m gutted I have a tounge piercing I’ve had and loved for 4 years apparently your under anaesthetic for like 1 hour and a half and your tounge piercing can close within 45 minutes, boobs are more important to me but I will be abit sad if I can’t get it back in 🙁

    Hayley 30

    My nurse said I can keep all my piercings just tape over them apart from my nipples that have to come out

    princess76 9

    I put a plastic one in my belly button first time, had my 2nd op 2 weeks ago and couldn’t get the metal one out so they taped over it and made me sign a form for it, they were OK about it

    Jessica 6

    I have 22 piercings and I just took out what I could and what I couldn’t they just tape up, i have a few on my ears including both the same one and more and they just like i said tape them 🙂

    Shannon 10

    if we have our tongues done can we just put a plastic bar in does anyone know?

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