Piercings and hair extensions?? Started by: Miranda

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  • Miranda

    Hi girls
    Finally got my op booked! 3 weeks tomorrow and I can’t wait.
    A few questions, I know I will get these answered when I see my nurse next week but I’m such an impatient person and want to know now ?
    Hair extensions… In my information pack it said something about hair extensions needs to be removed .. I’m guessing this means clip ins? I have bonded hair extensions, keratin bonds, so there is no metal or anything. Are these okay to stay in!?
    Also piercings. Is it okay to put plastic ones in instead of removing completely?

    Cava 12

    Piercings they want completely removed and kept out until you’re completely healed as they add risk of infection! A pain I know ☚ī¸

    Hair extensions I can’t help you with tho x

    Alex 7

    Hiya, hair extentions are fine as long as they dont have metal in them, i have tape and the pre op nurse said they were fine to stay in.


    I know for piercings all have to be completely removed, i have a double belly piercing which i took out and was told it’s completely fine to put back in once the op was finished so done this straight after and haven’t had any problems 🙂 xx

    Cava 12

    My nipple is pierced which is what they don’t want back in x


    Ahh thanks all off you! think my hair should be fine, finger crossed! but i’m check when i see my nurse and let you all know what she says.
    and it was mainly just my tongue piercing i was worrying about as i haven’t out it out for a period of time before. Had it done for a few years now so it should be fine.

    Imogen 2

    I have keratin bonded extensions and nurse said they are fine, and I’ve also asked if I can swap my piercings for plastic jewellery and she also said that would be okay! You just can’t have any metal on you xx

    Georgina 16

    I would take a plastic tounge bar on the day, they will most likely ask you to change this due to the positioning of it. My nurse let me have my nose ring in after I was like I haven’t taken it off in 3 years and I used pliers to get it on… He was like oh right okay I’ll ask Linda if u can keep it in haha. He just taped it up and I signed a form to say if I get burnt it’s my fault lol xx

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