Plasters and sneaky looks Started by: Megan

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  • Megan

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew how long before your plasters/dressings can come off I think my surgeon told me after one week but I can’t remember 🙁 I have been told as well bra 24/7 for 6 weeks when can I have a look? The sports bra isn’t giving me the best idea of my new bumps 🙂 any help would really be appreciated I feel so left out ha ha x

    Tracy 35

    Hi Hun you will have a 1 week check up with your nurse where your dressings/strapping etc will get removed, you will get to have a look at your new assets then, ring the clinic to check your one week appointment,it’s a great feeling when you get to see them for the 1st time x x x


    Thank you!!! Fridays my day 😀 can’t wait still seems surreal 🙂 xxx

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