Please help girls! Is this normal? Started by: La1993

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  • La1993 28

    Hi girls, I had my first breast enlargement November last year (5monthe ago) I had 400cc unders high profile and I’m 5ft2lbs and at the time I was 9stone3lbs. Because I had lost 8 stone I had stretched skin and when my implants settled I ended up being left with a line where my old Breast crease lay and my skin hadn’t been filled out enough, so when I saw my surgeon he said he could try bigger implants maybe 600cc and see if that works. Yesterday was my op day and when I arrived he said he thinks he should put them over the muscle and use 500cc instead but because I’m only an A naturally I was worried about ripping and stuff but he said it was the best option. Also I had lost 6kg since my last op I am now 8stone5lbs and mr traynor says I have to gain weight but working 12 hour shifts on my feet most days with one break it’s impossible! the So I went for it and the crease has gone and so far (fingers crossed) the line has gone!! The whole shape and size is so so much better comparing to one day post op last time it’s amazing the difference and I’m made up so far! But when I arrived home last night I noticed one of my stitches had been bleeding quiet a lot, I rang Preston and sent them a pic and the doctor said as long as it’s not coming out of the plaster and doesn’t bleed much more I should be fine but I’m worried sick, il try and attach a pic and could everyone post op let me know if this is normal please or if it has happened to anybody else?! There is no way of me getting anywhere today either! Thanks!!xxx

    La1993 28

    I meant to say 5ft2inch ?? Not lbs! Sorry I’ve been awake all night!

    La1993 28

    Try again …

    La1993 28


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    KatrinaK 19

    Hi @la1993, I really think you need to go back to Preston of to your clinic to show the nurse. Is it still like that now or has it dried up xx

    La1993 28

    Hi 🙂 it’s still the same so it’s all dried up its not bleeding any more. They said if it was the same then it’s ok and no need to worry but obviously I’m worried so was just wondering if it’s happened to anybody else and if they have been ok?? They said if they take the plaster off it will cause I to bleed again so it’s best to leave it! But I’m just worried incase the scar will be bad or anything xxx

    La1993 28

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