please help me Im new to this!! Started by: lyndaxx

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  • lyndaxx

    Hi Girlies,

    Ive just booked in for my 1st appointment to see Mr Kazzazi in October. Can anyone recommend him to me, I basically want big Fake looking boobs prob an E or F. Im currently a 32c. I take it by the size I want to acheive I should go for a 460 or 525cc any advice anyone and any photos of work been done by Mr Kazzazi.

    On the forum there’s a lot of girls talking about low profiles and high Profiles can anybody tell me what this means?

    Thanks Ladies x


    Hi Lynda!

    I’m having my op with Mr Kazzazi on the 16th of October. He’s such a lovely man & a highly recommended surgeon! When you go & meet with him he’ll tell you what size you can have & everything :) xxx


    hi lynda mr kazzzazi is very good, i had mine done with him on sunday, im all taped up at moment but they look ok to me.. just tell him exactly what you want n he will make the suggestion. i liked him ashe did not give me any choice, thats a good thing as you get very confused on the build up to the op..good luck..x

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