Well then clearly you wouldn’t know of you dont have a problem doing one, maybe false hope and years of negative tests may just be enough to have to do anymore ?
If you was to be pregnant the surgeon ect will come in and ask if you want to go ahead with it still or cancel as the surgery medication ect will affect the baby, I said both times I don’t need to take one as I know im not pregnant iv been on the pill x xx
I knew I wasn’t pregnant but I did the rest as I was told it was compulsory and in my best interests if there was something going on that I may not have known about. Its all a part of the right care they’re giving you. Didn’t mean to cause offense.
If any patient believes that they are pregnant, they will be unable to have their surgery. A pregnancy test may be requested as a precaution prior to surgery taking place.
If any patient believes that they are pregnant, they will be unable to have their surgery. A pregnancy test may be requested as a precaution prior to surgery taking place.
If any patient believes that they are pregnant, they will be unable to have their surgery. A pregnancy test may be requested as a precaution prior to surgery taking place.