Please help, so much pain Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 5

    I had my surgery 12th feb. I know it’s not been that long. But I’m in so much pain. I woke up last night and my right boob where the stitches are really really stung. I don’t know if this is normal or not. I’m really struggling with the recovery. Can anyone please give me advice or tell me how there recovery went. I’m really struggling

    Elle 81

    Hi Katie, it is completely normal the first couple of days are the worse, however you will start to feel better each day, by day 5 i was feeling much better i had mine done on 29th jan so more than 2 weeks postop and its like it never happened apart from the fact i now have boobs! make sure you rest but stay mobile as well as if you stay in bed all day your body will be stiff and tense up which is so uncomfortable! Hope you feel better soon x

    Katie 5

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    Thank you so much Elle. I’m just such a worrier. I worry about everything and I’ve been in so much pain. Just want it to feel okay now haha but understandable that it’s only been couple of days. Do you not have any pain now then? X

    Elle 81

    Awww your not alone i am a big worrier too!!! but you can always ring the nurse if your really concerned about something 🙂 no not at all, only thing was last night i had a shower and i wiped the towel to dry myself on top of my incision and a bit of the scab came off which really hurt haha!! but its ok today thank god apart from that it feels like it never happened xx

    LindaNora 2

    Hey Katie. I was the same in so much pain the past few days. I’m 4dpo the pain isn’t that bad today I can do stuff by myself. I could not sleep for the past few days aswell had a good sleep last night for once haha. The pain is normal I was so worried it will get better by each day. Hope you feel better soon xx

    Katie 5

    Thank you. Just so good to hear other people’s journeys. I’ve been so queries about the pain. It’s so weird because they’re so numb and just don’t feel like mine. Although I can literally feel like tightness and pain. It’s so uncomfortable xxx

    LindaNora 2

    That’s completely normal mine still feel so weird yet. I can’t wait till they healed properly. Went Out of the house yesterday for a little walk and couldn’t go to far felt my chest really heavy it’s such a strange feeling. Did you get unders. Xx

    Katie 5

    It’s so weird isn’t it. And yes I can’t wait to be healed completely. Nd yes I had 350 hp unders, what did you have? Xx

    Tor Shields 78

    I’m more than 2 weeks po and I’m still getting pain. There’s always weird little tugs or sharp pains coming and going. Mine is especially on my left side where sometimes it feels like the stitches or the wound is pulling. I’m still taking pain killers to try and help with the pain and none of it is unbearable so you do get more used to it x

    Katie 5

    Thank you Tor. That’s exactly what I’m feeling in my right side. Little burning sensation in the stitches. And sharp pains. What size CC did you get? Xx

    Sbowdell 15

    I am 3dpo and feel the same. I feel sick all the time and a constant pulling/tugging on my right boob when I move at all. The left once is absolutely fine no pain whatsoever. I went out for a little bit today but my chest was so tight and heavy I had to come back. Trying really hard to stay sat up because I don’t want to cease up but it’s painful. I am only taking paracetamol as codeine makes me sick. Hoping to feel better tomorrow

    Katie 5

    Hello sbowdell. Sorry to hear that. Did you get it done on Tuesday ? Was it at the London hospital?
    And I’m exactly same. Not feeling sick but just in a lot of pain. But it’s to be expected. Hope you feel better soon xx

    Sbowdell 15

    Monday afternoon. In Manchester I’m pinning my hopes on the fact that we have been cut open so we’re bound to be in pain and I’m sure that our bodies are adjusting to the change. I’ve not been able to eat really because I feel sick but I’m trying really hard to stay positive because they look AMAZING

    LindaNora 2

    Katie I got 325 HP unders ☺️ The days are going by so quick will be feeling a lot better soon and loving our new boobs ☺️ SBowdell I was the same could not eat felt so sick when I had food. I’m 4dpo and today I could eat food without feeling sick so hopefully tomorrow you will feel a lot better x


    I’m not a MYA patient -I’m in horrific pain. The left boob is ok but the right boob has severe, sharp, stabbing pains every time I move. I can’t describe it. It feels like it’s going to open up and the implant is going to drop out. Has anyone else had this? I’ve been given codeine and gabapentin but I’m gettting constipated. I vommed after surgery and that caused a bleed in my right boob so I’m terrified of being sick again in case I cause a further bleed but I can’t be without painkillers. What do I do? Got an appointment with my consultant tomorrow but if it’s nerve pain, what the hell is anyone meant to do?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Comment contained details breaking MYA's community guidelines
    Dazzelea 92

    Hey Hun I was in a lot of pain and yes they do feel like there gonna drop out .day ten was a turning point for me pain wise although they felt really strange for a few months odd sharp pains tightening x

    Demi 17

    Go pharmacy ask for 400mg iburofen u take only one Tots diffrent but i had root canal twenty mins later i was pain free for hours paracetamol are crap xx

    Demi 17

    Can. Only get them over the counter trust me x

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