Please help! What do I need for surgery? Started by: Vicky*★.

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  • Vicky*★. 231

    Hey girls I’m in for surgery on the 21st Feb, just wondering what I will need to bring to hospital and need for after my surgery? Like for pain, types of clothes, any tips basically anything cause I’m so unprepared! Also I’m going on holiday bang on 5 weeks after so will I need s special type of swimwear? I know this sounds dumb I just don’t know what I can and can’t wear. Will any bikini be okxxxxxx

    Kimberley 17

    A top or jacket that buttons or zips up that’s what my pc told me also your sports bra and a cushion/pillow for journey home to put between the seat belt and your new boobs can’t help any further as only just had my 1st consultation x

    Lou 101

    Make sure you wash your hair the morning of surgery – you won’t be washing it anytime soon afterwards!

    You don’t need any pj’s or anything as they will give you a gown

    Take leggings or trackies to wear on your bottom as they’re easy to pull up
    And something like a zip up fleece to wear on your top half.

    Take your macom or sportbra in with you.

    That’s really all you need – if you’re in overnight you need your toothbrush etc
    But that’s it
    You really don’t need much.
    They will give you all your meds when you leave.

    Vicky*★. 231

    Thanks so much girls! That’s a really good idea about washinyour hair before u have surgery I would never have thought of that! Thankyou very much girls xxxxxx

    emma 40

    Hi vicky are you staying in overnight or just the day? Xxx

    Louise 42

    Hi Vicky

    Ive been told cant swim until 6 weeks so probably best to ask at pre op or ring the nurse about swim wear.

    I just took zip hoody leggings and v pillow to hospital. They give you food and water / tea. I would take slippers to walk to theatre in or easy pull on shoes.

    Vicky*★. 231

    Thanks girls x no idea if it’s Day or night yet I haven’t even been told! Just been given s date of the 21st of march. I haven’t even been told what hospital which is quite confusing but I’m presuming it would be Preston as that’s the closest one. And funnily enough my pre op is later on I never thought of asking there cause I’ve no idea what the pre op entails. Once I paid for the surgery I was given a date and a surgeon but just not sure what time it is, what hospital it’s at. I guess I better find out somehow before the day comes haha! ???????? I’m just that excited I wanna buy all my things and have my little hospital bag ready haha! And mr traynor told me I can’t swim either which is going to be a struggle. It’s my little girls first ever holiday abroad. I will just have to be extra careful xxxxxx

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