PO day 1 Started by: Emma

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  • Emma -4

    Hi girls! A little bit bored at home so thought I would post an update about yesterday and my recovery so far. The pain isn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought. I didn’t take any painkillers last night as I know a lot of people find the days after the hardest and I wanted to wait until I really needed them. Took codeine, paracetamol and ibruprofen this morning. I asked for the codeine separate rather than as cocodamol as I know it can make you feel sick but I’ve been fine so far. I am in love with my v pillow, it’s from john lewis and so worth paying a bit extra for. I didn’t wake up once in the night except for when my puppy jumped on me for cuddles! I’m finding lifting myself up the hardest when I’m getting off the sofa but sure I will get there. I had 375 uhp unders with Mr mournir who is so lovely and all the staff at Preston were great. I asked for gas at my pre op as I’m scared of needles but the anesthetist yesterday said she doesn’t like to use it. She said she would give me a little to relax me but I just took loads of really deep breaths and managed to knock myself out before the cannula went anywhere near me! I had the biggest smile on my face when I woke up and didn’t feel sick at all. My admission time was 12pm, my op at half one and home for half 7. I will try and post pics later but quite comfy in my macom bra now so don’t want to start messing around taking it off! Feel free to add me if you want Xxx


    Hey @emmajenkins23 I have added you and can’t wait to see your pics. I’m just at the researching stage at the minute and haven’t even had my first consultation yet but I’m thinking of booking it shortly. Was Mr Mournir nice? I was weighing up the surgeons I have heard of and some people haven’t said the best of things about him… What size were you to start with and what were you wishing to be after your 375cc’s? A lot of people seem to go for high profile, is this what most surgeons seem to recommend or was it your choice? Because I want natural so I don’t want them to look to high! Hope your recovery keeps going well 🙂 xxxxx

    Emma -4

    Hi @ambz I found it so useful researching on here, I didn’t really have a lot of questions when I went for my consultation! Mr Mounir is really lovely, he understood exactly what I wanted and didn’t rush anything. I never even considered a different surgeon I just wanted him from the start. He has a good sense of humour as well which helped. I was 32b before and hoping to be a dd. He offered me 4 sizes ranging from 325 to 400 but said I had to have uhp. This scared me at first as I thought they would stick out but it’s because I’m not very wide and it would be harder to fit the high profile or moderate ones in me. I was adamant they had to look natural and they do, I went under the muscle as this is meant to help with that too. Do you know which clinic you’ll be going to? I went to liverpool and Lauren is my PC Xx

    Jasmine 7

    I wish I had invested in a v pillow I didn’t get more than about 2 hours sleep last night. Can’t see how I will buy one in the next few days either so I had t sleep on the sofa all propped up and just couldn’t get comfy or get up and down without help. Trying to do 6 hours inbetween tablets as I had them in the night last night and don’t want to overdo it.

    From what I’ve read POD 2/3 are worst so hopefully it doesn’t get any worse than now x


    Aw a sense of humour always helps @emmajenkins23 Yeah I think ultra high profile would really scare me, I do want a cleavage but I don’t want them to just stand up from my chest. I’m happy to hear yours look natural, I’m already thinking 325cc or 350cc for me just from looking on here, it’s so useful, but the cc’s seem to end up in different sizes on different people. I only want to be D or DD to and I’m a 32 A/B. My nearest clinic is Newcastle so I’ll probably be there xxxx

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