Po day 2 pain Started by: Summer

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  • Summer 27

    Had unders on Monday and omg so much pain! Feel my nipples on my top they’re so sensitive! Also have a job interview Friday (typical) for a job I’ve wanted for so long just really worried about how my pain will be ugh. When was your worst day of pain and when did it start to go??

    Sarahx 16

    I’m exactly the same summer ! Had mine Monday too and pain is still unreal ? trying to sit up in bed is the worst! Think my little frame is just in shock with having 2 implants shoved in there haha haven’t actually felt well enough to have a good look and get excited over them yet cz it hurts so bad ? have u adjusted ur strapping or anything ? Mines so tight but too scared to move it xx


    I had mine on monday too!!! It’s such an awful pain!! I would say through the night is worst!! I haven’t been able to sleep properly until last night still woke up twice… What pain killers are you ladies taking?? Xx

    Kate 9

    I had mine done Monday. If I’m sat still I’m fine but moving is so uncomfortable. I’ve slept fine but still sat in bed as dreading the pain getting out ? xxx

    Sarahx 16

    Aw so glad ur all the same as me!! Can’t understand people who are up and about completely fine… I’m fine still in bed at the moment but I dread trying to get up and my other half has to physically push my from my back to get me up ? I’ve got the antibiotics, muscle relaxants, And Codine! Taking them every 4 hours on the dot. Anyone had their shallow bath or tried wet wiping/ moving the sports bra! Desperate for a wash but too scared to move the boobs haha just put some pics up on my profile before n after cz I can’t get them on here xx

    Lucy 12

    Oh god, I’m having 425 unders on Monday with Dr Mounir in Preston and after reading your posts I’m slightly nervous! @Sarahx yours look great, you must be happy with the way they look at least even though you’re in pain…I’m sure it will be worth it x

    Isn’t it funny how some people aren’t even phased by it and just say it’s a slight discomfort and then others are in agony, fingers crossed I’m a lucky one. It’s my birthday 5 days after my op and I’m out for a meal with family and friends ? Would hate to have to cancel it haha, will just not have to order steak and have something that requires no cutting effort ? Hope you all feel better soon x

    Kirstiem 42

    Sorry to read this @summer 🙁 I had my op Friday I had 300cc unders and I’ve had no pain at all. They feel bruised and a little achy but no pain. I hope it’s starts to settle for you soon xxx

    Ellie 279

    Ah how I remember this pain! I had unders and my worst days were probably day 3-5. I was really emotional as well! Hope you girls all feel better soon xx

    Summer 27

    My bf has had to do everything for me too, even sit me up bless him! I’ve been sleeping constantly too. I’m on tylex, muscle relaxers, antibiotics and laxatives. And haven’t took my band or sports bra off yet either, I want to have a look and baby wipe but too scared 🙁

    Jessica 55

    Sorry too hear your still in pain. I’ve had a totally different experience! Still no pain but the swelling each morning is mad. Im achey but can i can do some things for myself.

    Still restricted on putting my arms up and doing things like cutting my food up or opening still drinks. Im expecting the pain to hit me tomorrow with vengeance lol.

    Kirstiem 42

    Ahh bless 🙁 it will get better ! I was only given 5day worth of antibiotics,paracetamol and ibuprofen xx


    I keep having to take my breast band off after a couple of hours for like 5 mins!!! I’m in so much Pain… I’m on co codomol and antibiotics… Hope the pain goes down soon xx


    Sorry all you girls are in pain it sounds awful. Have you tried loosening your bands? The nurse put mine so loose when I left and she said its fine at night because itl help me sleep better. The worst part for me is sleeping coz it’s so painful to get back up! Have any of you had a shallow bath yet? I feel like I stink haha im also so swollen too I look pregnant Xxx

    kim 45

    I had my boobs done 15 weeks ago now and it was honestly the worse pain Iv ever gone through bs I had a kid! Lol but it does honestly get better! I’d say day 4/5 were my worst!! I didn’t do anything and I was so emotional everytimr would make me cry even having greasy hair made me cry! Lol it’s all part of the process but my about 3weeks I was completely fine! I even started waking up on my side so was getting better sleep! 🙂 xx

    Katrina 7

    Ohhhh sorry to hear you girls are so sore! I had mine done on Monday and I don’t feel that bad just very achey! Iv had alarms set to take the painkillers to keep everything topped up. I had a half shower last night with help from my boyfriend and that made me feel so much more human! I also changed bras and wiped with baby wipes. I have been making sure I am getting up and about as I think the longer I sit the stiffer I am and the more tight I feel. Hope things improve for you xxxxx

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