PO day 4 – emotional Started by: Samantha

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  • Samantha 89

    Had a little cry this morning as daft as it sounds, not quite sure why! I think its the frustration of not being able to do the simplest of things an feeling pretty useless atm! An the sickly effect of the antibiotics. What a wolly i am, never thought this journey would be so up an down!!! Not feeling as bruised today which is fab. Hope you’re all doing well ladies, good luck if your op is soon!!


    I’ve been like that I’m day 8 post op now but I’ve turned a corner the past 2 days , I can now lift my arm up above my head and pull my knickers up without any trouble ?? I think day 5 I wasn’t on pain killers any more as I could manage it just having the pain under the boob getting up. Everyone’s different though and I think it depends if you’ve had overs or unders . I saw a girl on here and she was washing her hair on day 3!! No not a prayer could I even lift my arm that high up on day 3!! Hope you feel better soon xx

    Samantha 89

    Ahhhh emma i had unders!!! Im glad you can move abit more now, im the sort of person that likes to get everything done an be in full control of things an its just not happening lol!!! I managed to do some washing but had to get a ladder to put it on the blimming washing line, bet the neighbours were having a right old laugh!! I feel better now its just bizarre how your emotions can change so quick! Xxx


    Pmsl I’ve had to do that rescuing into the cupboard for the bread and stuff ? I’ve got 2 kids so had to enlist their help a bit and I had to get my daughter who’s 9 to help me pull my arm through my Tshirt because I couldn’t do it ? Before u know it it’ll be measuring day and all this will be worth it ? Xx

    Jess 146

    I’m the complete opposite, I’ll be quite happy to lie in bed for a week and not do anything! I’m so looking forward to being able to read all of my books and live like a pampered princess for the 11 days I’m off haha xx


    Day 4 post op for me too. I’m starting to feel human again. Had to take my dressings off as I’ve had and allergic reaction to them nurse wasn’t impressed with me but my wounds have knitted together well and I’m taking antihistamines to reduce the reaction. Off for a shower and appointment with the nurse this afternoon so she can check things out. By far this is the best day pain wise (cried yesterday as it hurt so much). They change so much each day it’s crazy. Still the best thing I’ve ever done by far. I just regret not doing it sooner.


    Omg I can not wait for a shower lol!!! I’m seeing my surgeon Thursday and praying he says I’m all healed and can shower lol xx

    clairex 1

    Hi girls, this now boob thing is no easy ride is it ? Louise I am so jel of you having a shower. I am day 6 post op today and have come out in a lot of bruising on each side of my boobs so sore ?. Anybody else got this?? Cant wait to get bk to normal Xx

    Samantha 89

    Claire i feel like im bruised to the bone!! I feel so dirty i cant wait to get this strapping off an have a proper wash. What are we all like aye, will be laughing at all this in a few months time!!! Xxx

    clairex 1

    Samantha I cannot wait for that day, I am bad enough with just the bra on so god knows how yiu are coping with strapping. When are they taking it off? I have just had a shallow bath and I do feel better for it but still dreaming of a nice hot shower!! Not long for us now xx


    Definitely enjoyed my shower and a proper hair wash. It’s the simple things. Even managed a short drive in my car to the shop. Sports bra is driving me nuts and my macoms are even worse I’m ready for chucking them in the bin. Guess it’s just part of the recovery process tho. Saw the nurse this afternoon who gave me a stern telling off about removing my dressings but once she saw the allergic reaction I’d had to them she understood why. No more dressings for me just got to keep an eye on my incisions and go back to see her on weds.


    I had 450cc unders btw


    Hi Samantha, I’ve had two days like this now and I’m PO day 3 I think it’s the frustration that I can’t do anything and my chest just feels so uncomfortable. I keep look at lingerie and bikinis to remind myself it’ll all be worth it. Hope you’re feeling better xx

    La1993 28

    I’ve literally sat here all day feeling sorry for myself crying on and off haha! I think I’m just bored and all of my body is aching 🙁 I’m 3 days post op and done the washing up, washed clothes washed my hair and I’ve been fine but I can’t drive or anything obviously so I’m kind of stuck in on my own. I’m sure it does something to your hormones having this done I was the same with my first op ? Just feeling sorry for ourselves once we are healed with new boobs we won’t be crying ? Hope you’re ok xx


    I’m POD4 aswell (I think, ba was 19th April!). I was a bit emotional this morning I was so stiff and sore and fed up of not being able to do the simplest things. Also the housework is piling up and it’s frustrating me so much. I’ve got waterproof things over my incisions so ice been able to have quick showers and my friend came over and washed and blow dried my hair last night which was amazing! My emotions are all over the place one minute I’m going crazy cos it hurts to open a door and the next minute I’m so happy cos my hair is clean haha. It’s a rollercoaster x

    Samantha 89

    Claire my strappings coming off tuesday thank god!!! Its proper digging into my armpits i wouldnt be suprised if its cut my armpits!! Ahhh what are we like girls, im going to attempt to wash my hair over the bath today, its literally sticking to my head! Dry shampoo wont fix it! What a mess lmao!!! Im not walking like a huntchback as much anymore, back to work tomorrow, oh the joys!!! Xxx

    Lucy 1

    Hi Samantha, the drugs you had as part of your anaesthetic/sedation will be making you feel emotional so don’t worry about it too much. Our bodies have gone through trauma however amazing we will look as a result of it ☺️ Don’t beat yourself up or call yourself a wolly lol. I’m getting frustrated at not being able to do things for myself or have a shower yet but at least i don’t have strapping on!
    Feeling bruised, heavy and achy particularly in the mornings. Just making sure I’m drinking plenty of water and going on a little walk every day. Hope you girls are recovering well out there x

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