PO girl please help! Has anyone else stayed at mya the day if there surgery? Started by: Claudette

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  • Claudette 7

    Hello girls.
    Has anyone stayed over at mya after having there op? If so, how much more was it? or would I be better off in a hotel? If so does anyone know any? I will be going to fritzroy for my op. Thank you Xxx

    Danielle 8

    Hi Claudette,

    It depends if you booked a day case or to stay over. If you have a stay over op it’s more expensive.

    Are you travelling far after the op? Because I’d advise getting a hotel round the corner from the hospitak if you do.

    Hope this helps!

    Danielle xxx

    Demi 25

    Its between £400-£500 to stop over night i was told by my pa so hotel be alot chepaer z


    I had my op friday 10th nov,I stayed over night and so glad I did , they helped A lot and had strong pain killers every four hours, I would recommend staying over night xx


    They say they want you to be no further than an hours drive from the hospital when you go home.
    If it’s a straight forward BA then you’d be a day case and last surgery is timed so that you’ll be discharged by 10pm at the latest. (I asked all this in my pre op at Fitzroy)
    So all surgeries are morning and afternoon allowing enough hours in the evening for recovery before discharge.
    My mother in law recently suggested I may want to stay at a hotel rather than have the drive home to deal with, 45min drive. But I would really rather just be at home and being able to sleep in the next morning for as long as I want without having to worry about check out times in a hotel.
    You’ll still have to arrange travel to the hotel, and they advise you don’t use public transport so you’ll probably need to get a cab.

    Stacey 496

    It’s an extra £400 for over night stay at Preston my sugoen told me I stayed in the hotel two mins away from Preston hospital xxx

    Claudette 7

    Thank you girls! I was looking into a day case oppointment but because I’d be travelling alone there I think I’d be scared in a hotel by my self after just having sergury. Can anyone recommend a good hotel? Xxx

    Was they! I know I think I’d rather stay with them as I’d feel in more safe hands ???? as I’ll be alone ????. If you didn’t mind me asking did it make the over all cost a lot more? What did you have done? Size shape etc.. ? Xxx

    Stacey 496

    It would all depend on where u having sugury at I had my at Preston had 600cc overs with traynor and I stayed in the ibis hotel it’s like a 2 sec car ride around the corner from the hospital it’s just like travel lodge/ inn but the staff are brilliant and couldn’t do enough for u in the hotel the got me freezer bags with loads of ice extra pillows xxx

    Danielle 8

    I am staying in an air b&b round the corner from Fitzroy. Is no one going to be going with you?? You have to have a friend/family member with you when you are discharged, they don’t let you leave alone! I am having 300CC a unders on Thursday (: xxx

    Claudette 7

    Thank you Stacey, I’ll be going to fritzroy clinic in London. what size have you gone too? I bet your so happy! ???? I honestly can not wait. I won’t be getting mine until Feb/March but it will soon come around ????. Xxx
    Thank you Danielle! What is the b&b called? Yes I’ll get taken there and picked up I won’t travel alone. That would be to risky after going under aneasetic wouldn’t it? I bet you can’t sleep with excitement! What size are you now if you don’t mind me asking? Who is your surgeon? Xxx

    Claudette 7

    I didn’t mean travel alone I just realised that’s what I put earlier haha.. I meant I’d have to stay in a hotel alone (I just classed that as travelling ????) xxx

    Tanya 2

    I didnt go with Mya, but did have an overnight stay.
    Op was at 2 and Inwas awake at 4pm.
    I honestly couldnt imagine having to have leave the hospital ????
    I was super drowsy, looked after properly and knew I was safe had anything have happened. It just so happens that when i got up at 10pm for the toilet by blood pressure dipped and I was sick.
    It costs more, but for the price of your boobs its nice to have the peace of mind that you are set for at least 24hrs x

    Emily 7

    Hi I stayed in as I had to due to lift & implants. Massively recommend staying in as the nurses are there for you if you need them. I wouldn’t have wanted to be on my own, just for piece of mind knowing there’s someone to help incase of any sickness or concerns. I had a few odd pains & they put me at ease, was sick in the morning due to the morphine & they made sure I was ok, they also checked my blood pressure & general observations all night so I felt really safe. Even having someone to help you get to the loo & be on hand if you feel faint. I was on my own st home from day 3 and I was fine by then but that first night I would not have wanted to be in a strange place alone. I know it’s more money but when you’re already spending this much it makes sense. Hope this helps. Xx

    Claudette 7

    Thank you girls ????. Yes that’s one of my worries with pain and not being sure of what to expect even just with emotions ???? i think I’d much rather stay at mya and feel in safe hands. I’m useless with being in pain and being alone hhah..It’s a lot more costly but will be worth every penny ???? . Xxx

    Saff 67

    Do you live close to the clinic? X

    Amy 47

    I would recommend stay over, from my own experience I never forget it I’m 1 year 4 months PO now, I had my surgery at Preston I live in Birmingham so quiet a while away think it took 3 hours drive. I was booked in for a day op so I thought I’d be in and out .. oh no, not me straight after my op I was very very poorly kept being sick and falling in and out of sleeping I physically couldn’t even stand up the nurses wouldn’t let me go home so ended up staying over the night which was free of charge. I didn’t expect what had happened to happen. Thought I’d be able to jus go home, just be careful having a op is major everyone has different effects though after so you could be one of the lucky ones just never know your be in good hands either way and looked after MYA are amazing xx

    Georgia 3

    I stayed one night. I had a lot of pain in my shoulder blade so called the nurse a lot of times. Can’t imagine how I would of felt at home. I am a panicker though x

    Danielle 8

    Hi Claudette,
    That’s okay (: I have no idea tried finding the email and I cannot find it, my dad said it’s on Hanson road/lane or something, will have to get him to forward the email to me and I’ll let you know! That’s good then at least you are not doing it all by yourself (: I am really excited as I got the call from the nurse to say I’ll be okay to have the op as long as my temperature is okay (: I think it’s going to be harder to sleep tomorrow night though…because my admission time is 7am on Thursday. I am barely a 32A at the moment and my surgeon is Dr Linda Fuimara (: xxx

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